

【作者】 郭雅洁

【导师】 张俊才;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文从“对中国元典文化的传承与发展”角度切入京派小说,试图阐释在当下的“全球化”语境中,京派小说的启示性意义。 京派小说家对中国元典文化精神的体悟,表现在其小说文本中,可以分作精神内涵和审美建构两大方面。笔者将其分别纳入“天人合一”的现代阐释和“中和之道”的审美建构两个体系,解析京派小说对生命的深层透视和对艺术创作规律的独特把握;同时,阐述了“怀乡”母题和“香草美人”意象的原型意义,以及人物、景物、家园等形象的系统性价值。最后得出结论:京派作家凭着对元典精神的深刻理解,实现了个体情感与人类情感的沟通,使文本具有了丰富的民族特色和鲜明的现代精神,从而体现了民族化与现代化、全球化的良好沟通和较为完美的结合。

【Abstract】 From the angle of "the inheritance and development of Chinese maternal culture", this paper is intended to study the enlightenment of Beijing school of novels in the content of globalization.Beijing school of novelists obtained a profound understanding of these embryonic classics culture, which penetrated into their works and can be divided into two main points: spiritual connotation and beauty appreciation structure. The author weaves both the aspects into the explanation of "the doctrain of the mean", analysing their deep penetration into human life and their unique understanding of art principces, and elaborating the theme of "Homesickness" and the original meaning of "Beauty" images, along with the systematic values of personayes, scenery, homeland, etc. The author arrives at the conclusion: thranks to the profound understanding of the maternal culture, the Beijing school of novelists manage to fulfil the communication between individual feeling and mankind’s feelings, adding a kind of national feature and distinctine modern spirits, there by achieving better integration and communication between nationality and internationality.

  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】242

