

【作者】 李静

【导师】 田秀云;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 当代中国社会还处于由传统社会向现代社会转型的时期。随着社会结构的转化和社会生活的现代化,尤其是社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立,经济公正问题日益凸显,成为我国当前社会各界关注的热点和难点问题。解析这一问题,首先必须科学地界定经济公正,正确把握经济公正的内涵、本质和特征,并立足于中国社会转型的特定历史背景,剖析我国转型期经济公正缺失的现象和原因,解析社会主义市场经济条件下经济公正的必然性、基础和原则,进而探求经济公正实现的途径。 文章的第一部分,明确了经济公正这一概念是一种制度伦理,内含着公平与效率的统一,并以个人公正美德为基础。指出了它最基本的功能就是平衡利益关系。其基本的特征表现为阶级性、历史性、相对性和内涵的价值意蕴。考察和分析了中外思想史上的各种经济公正观,并与马克思主义的经济公正观进行比较,从而起到借古鉴今的作用。 文章的第二部分,首先分析了我国在经济转型期间经济公正的缺失现象及其原因,主要是计划经济下的平均主义和市场经济不完善造成的经济不公正。重点阐述了经济公正是社会主义市场经济的必然要求。我国社会主义市场经济条件下经济公正的基础应是:先进的社会制度为保障、生产力为标准、共同富裕为奋斗目标、公平与效率的平衡为主要内容。应该坚持的原则是:机会平等、公平竞争、公正分配和社会调剂。 文章的最后提出了实现经济公正的途径。在社会主义市场经济条件下,经济公正只有在市场的框架内,依靠法律的规约、政府的调控、社会保障制度的补偿、舆论的监督和道德环境的影响方能真正实现。

【Abstract】 Contemporary Chinese society is it transfer period of shape to by traditional society to modern society to in also. With the transformation of the social structure and modernization of social life, especially the gradual setting - up of the socialist market economy system, the problem of economic justice is prominent day by day, become the focus which the various circles of society pay close attention to and difficult point question at present in our country. Analyze this question, must scientific limited economic justice, correct to hold intension, essence and characteristic of economic justice at first, and base on the specific historical background that the Chinese society make the transition, analyze the economic justice phenomenon and reason that lacks in transformation period of our country, analyze the certainty, foundation and principle with economic justice under socialist market economy condition, and then seek the way that realizes of economic justice.The first part of the article, has defined that this concept of economic justice is a kind of system ethics, the unity inside including fair and efficiency, and is based on personal just virtue. Have pointed out that its most basic function is a balanced interests relation. The value purpose that its basic characteristic is shown as class nature, history, relativity and intension is accumulated. Have investigated and analysed the view of various kinds of economic justice on Chinese and foreign intellectual histories, and compare with the Marxist view of economic justice , thus play a role in drawing lessons from the past.The second part of the article, has analysed the disappearanced phenomenon and reason of economic justice during economic transition of our country at first, it is inequitable that it is mainly the equalitarianism under planned economy and market economy not to perfect the economy caused. It is the inevitable request for the socialist market economy to explain economic justice especially. The foundation with economic justice should under the socialist market economy condition of our country be: advanced social system for ensure, productivity for standard, common prosperity and balance of efficiency main contents for objective of the struggle, fair. The principle that should insist is: Chance equal, fair competition, just to assign and the society adjust.Have put forward the way with economic justice of realizing at the end of the article. Under the socialist market economy condition, economic justice only in the frame of the market, stipulations, compensation, supervision of the public opinion and influence of the morals environment of the government s regulation and control, social security system of depending on the law can be really realized.

  • 【分类号】B82
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】245

