

【作者】 孙颖

【导师】 张文祥;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 我们的地球正面临着比以往任何时候都严峻的威胁:严重的污染、气候日益变暖、森林植被锐减、某些物种濒临灭绝、臭氧层遭到严重破坏、白色污染正与人类争夺生存空间……如果气候继续迅速而剧烈地变暖,如果土地的酸化程度继续扩大,如果有害的、改变基因的合成物质继续不断进入我们的肌体,如果人类所拥有的人均食物与水资源量不断减少,如果我们继续挥霍大自然的“馈赠”,如果我们继续不计后果地滥用某些“最终会给人类毁灭性灾难”的技术,那么我们的子孙所赖以生存的地球将变得炎热、干燥、充满饥饿与危险。面临这样一个紧迫的形势,全球环境意识不断高涨,这使得可持续发展思想的影响逐渐波及世界政治经济生活的方方面面,与环境和贸易有关的一系列问题越来越引起人们的关注。联合国于1972年召开的人类环境会议,将贸易与环境问题首次提到议事日程上来,并受到国际社会的日益关注。环境问题已成为当代国际贸易的重大议题之一。 随着关贸总协定和世界贸易组织的运行,关税壁垒不断降低,传统的非关税壁垒受到的限制也越来越严格。但发达国家为达到贸易保护的目的,积极推出非关税壁垒措施,绿色壁垒就是目前最为盛行的一种。近年来,这种披着合法外衣的绿色壁垒已经并将继续对我国出口贸易的发展产生巨大影响。据统计,1997年我国受限制商品价值达74亿美元,1999年达到115亿美元。入世后,中国产品要进入国际市场,首先面临的是国际市场中的绿色壁垒阻碍。如何突破这一绿色屏障,应是中国政府和企业面临的一大问题。所以笔者认为有必要对绿色壁垒进行深入的研究,特别是它对我国出口贸易所带来的负面影响更应引起我们的高度重视。我们应当认真研究绿色壁垒的基本内容和特点,结合实例具体分析绿色壁垒对中国贸易的影响,正视绿色壁垒对我国出口贸易带来的机遇和挑战,适时提出可操作性的应对措施,积极推动贸易和环境的良性互动,以促进对外贸易的持续发展。本文的选题正是基于上述背景确定的,对绿色壁垒这个问题的研究无论是在理论上还是在实践意义上,均具有重要价值。 全文共分为三章。 第一章主要论述关于“绿色壁垒”的一些基础理论。这部分在提出了绿色壁垒含义和性质界定标准的基础上,对其特点进行了简要的分析,并总结了绿色壁垒产生的原因。 第二章主要探讨了绿色壁垒对中国外贸所产生的影响。首先回顾、分析了我国出口贸易的发展和现状,在此基础上分析绿色壁垒对我国出口贸易所带来的积极影响和消极影响。绿色壁垒一方面诱发出口企业进行创新,创造竞争优势和先动优势;另一方面又给我国出口贸易带来不利影响:减缓产品出口速度,缩小出口市场空间,降低出口企业经济效益,加剧双边或多边摩擦。 第三章是文中较为重要的一部分,这部分提出了中国跨越绿色壁垒应采取的对策。毕竟仅仅对绿色壁垒加以谴责是远远不够的,紧跟世界潮流,实施绿色贸易才是最优的选择。分别从宏观(政府)及微观(企业)层面提出消除绿色壁垒、建立正常绿色贸易体制的对策。从宏观讲,政府应积极实施可持续发展战略,加快我国经济绿色化步伐,并积极开展环境外交,加快实施出口市场多元化战略,为企业的生存和发展创造良好的外部环境。同时,为了尽快与国际规则接轨,政府还应建构我国的市场准人规则,寻求合理的贸易保护。从微观上讲,企业一方面顺应国际环保潮流,认真实施可持续发展战略;另一方面还要实施国际绿色营销战略,加大绿色技术的投人力度,尽最大可能地采用国际标准,以求突破绿色壁垒。 文章的主要观点有:绿色壁垒取代关税和进口配额、许可证制等非关税壁垒,发展成为一种新兴的国际贸易壁垒,有其深刻的历史原因和背景;欲突破绿色壁垒,我国政府对内应发展环保产业,对外应实行“环境外交”,企业则应立足自身微观经营活动,实行绿色营销,并积极争取1501月仪刀认证和申请环境标志认证,获得“绿色通行证”。

【Abstract】 The earth is in mire peril than ever before: sever pollution, climate changing, forest reduction, species extinction, destroy of ozonosphere, white pollution-" If the world’ s climate begins to change rapidly and dramatically and the landscape continues to acidify, if hazardous, gene - altering synthetic substances continue to enter our flesh, if we continue to waste nature’ s bounty and extirpate our biological resources, if we continue to deploy destructive technologies without recognizing their ultimate effects, then our children and grandchildren will live on a hot, dry, hungry, unhealthy, unlovely, and dangerous planet. Facing such a pressing situation , in contemporary world the idea of environmental protection and sustainable development is exerting a tremendous influence on all aspects of world political and economic affairs. The issues that related to environment and trade are drawing increasing attention from people. The United Nations held the Human Environmental Conference in 1972, at which the issue of Trade and Environment was put forward for the first time. Since then, the issue had got extensive and close attention from the international society. Nowadays the environment problem has been one of the significant topics in the field of international trade.With the running of the GATT and WTO, tariff barriers are continually cut down, and non - tariff barriers are limited more and more rigidly. But developed countries adopt enthusiastically the measures of non - tariff barriers aiming at the purpose of trade protection, and green barrier has been the most prevalent type at present. This kind of barrier known as "green barrier" which is seemingly legal has and will keep having harmful effect on China’s export trade in recent years. Green barrier has lay serious stress and challenge on our country’ s export business . Statistics suggest that, in 1997 the value of our country’s export goods that is limited and banned has amounted to 74 hundred million, and in 1999 reached to 115 hundred million. After China’s entry WTO, Chinese products will face the barrier of green barrier in the international market whenever they come into the international market. Therefore, how to break the green barrier should be an important problem that Chinese government and enterprises are facing . So the author think it is imperative that we studied deeply green barrier, and especially we should think highly of its influence on the export of our country. We should study the basiccontent and features of green barrier carefully, to analyze the effect which green barrier does to China in details by using examples, to face the challenges and the opportunities green barrier does to China’s export trade and bring forward workable countermeasure, to impel good inter -action of trade and environment actively in order to accelerate export trade’s sustainable development. Triat’s the background of conception of dissertation. An investigation of this problem is of immense theoretical and practical value.The dissertation consists of three parts.In the first part, the thesis mainly explains some basic theories about green barrier. Based on the definition of green barrier and bounding the characteristic standards of green barrier correctly, the thesis briefly analyzes green barrier’s character and generates causes of it.The second part mainly concludes with the impact of green barriers on China’ s export. This part looks back and analyzes the development and status quo of China’s export trade first, and analyzes the positive and negative effects which is brought by green barrier on the base of it. On the hand, green barrier places a premium on export enterprise to innovate and create competition advantages and priority; on the other hand, green barrier brings bad effect to China’s export trade, such as reducing the speed of export, shirk the export market, lower the economic benefit of export enterprises and picks up bilateral or muM - lateral friction in trade.The third part is the most important part of the thesis. In this par

  • 【分类号】F752.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1770

