

On Pragmatic Principles

【作者】 唐宇

【导师】 郑志进; 张江云;

【作者基本信息】 贵州师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 许多年以来,外语教学的重点一直都是关于学生的语言能力,如语法和词汇。在最近几十年,研究者逐渐对语言能力和语用能力之间的关系有了一个比较清楚的认识。然而,在外语教学中,学生的语用能力始终没有得到与他们的语言能力相一致的协调发展。其中的一个原因就是由于缺乏对语用能力本质及其内容的正确认识。语用能力不仅仅指实际运用的能力,它还包括语用知识。可是,人们常常把这种实际运用的能力看作是语用能力,从而忽视了语用知识在语用能力中的重要位置。 作者认为通过语用知识,运用到外语教学中对促进学生语用能力的培养是有帮助的,语用原则归属于语用知识的范畴。因此,本文拟从语用原则的角度对该问题进行探究。 首先,本文提出了学生语用能力培养中存在的问题。接着第二章对有关语用原则,特别是合作原则,关联原则和礼貌原则进行了陈述。本章的陈述表明语用原则与如何理解交际中话语这一问题有着密切的联系,这一点对于语用能力是很重要的。第二章为后面章节的论证构建了一个理论基础。第三章讨论了语用能力并进行了一个有关学生语用能力情况的调查。这个调查引出了一些有关语用原则与语用能力之间关系的思考。在第四章中,本文分析了外语教学中语用原则与语用能力之间的关系,并且论证了通过语用原则培养学生语用能力的可行性。本文的第五章探讨了外语教学中有关语用原则应用的一些基本问题,包括教学设计,教师的角色和学生角色。结果表明,将语用原则应用到外语教学中对促进学生语用能力的培养是可行的,有助的。

【Abstract】 For many years, foreign language teaching had always focused on students’ linguistic competence, such as grammar and vocabulary. In recent decades, increasingly, researchers have a clear understanding about the relationship between linguistic competence and pragmatic competence. However, in foreign language teaching, students’ pragmatic competence doesn’t receive coordinated growth in accordance with their linguistic competence. One reason of it is due to the lack of correct understanding about the nature and content of pragmatic competence. Pragmatic competence includes not only pragmatic ability, but also and pragmatic knowledge. While people usually regard pragmatic ability as pragmatic competence, and neglect the important place of pragmatic knowledge in pragmatic competence.The author thinks that there should be a helpful way through applying pragmatic knowledge to the practice of foreign language teaching to promote the cultivation of students’ pragmatic competence. Pragmatic principles belong to the category of pragmatic knowledge, so this thesis attempts to explore the problem from the angle of pragmatic principles.Firstly, the problem of the cultivation of students’ pragmatic competence is proposed in this thesis. Then in Chapter two, theories about pragmatic principles, especially cooperative principle, the principle of relevance and politeness principle is presented. The presentation shows that there is close relation in pragmatic principles to the problem of how to interpret utterances in communication, and this point is important for pragmatic competence. This chapter forms the theoretical foundation of the later discussion. Pragmatic competence is discussed in Chapter Three,and at the same time, an investigation is taken to show the situation of students’ pragmatic competence. This investigation also leads some thoughts about the relationships between pragmatic principles and pragmatic competence. Later in Chapter Four the relationships between pragmatic principles and pragmatic competence in foreign language teaching is analyzed. And it is proved that it is possible to cultivate students’ pragmatic competence under pragmatic principles. Chapter Five probes some basic problems about the application of pragmatic principles in foreign language teaching, including teaching scheme, teachers’ roles and students’ roles. Finally, as a result, it is proved that the application of pragmatic principles in foreign language teaching is possible and helpful to promote the cultivation of students’ pragmatic competence.

  • 【分类号】H313
  • 【下载频次】544

