

The Mechanism and Efficiency of Nitrogen Removal of Domestic Wastewater by Land Zoology Treatment System

【作者】 关小满

【导师】 张笑一; 彭润芝;

【作者基本信息】 贵州师范大学 , 环境科学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济、社会的飞速发展,污染水体的整治与改善问题日益受到关注。本课题侧重污水土地生态处理系统氮脱除机理与效率的研究。内容包括:筛选适合贵州条件的污水土地生态处理系统土壤填料与植物、土壤填料生态恢复(防堵)试验;地沟式污水土地生态处理系统中试装置的启动试验;中试装置模拟土地生态系统不同运行工况对系统处理效果的影响考察;系统微生物普查;微生物的硝化/反硝化作用试验、机理研究:地沟式污水土地生态处理系统中水一氮迁移转化规律数学模拟的展望。 试验筛选出具备良好的土壤团粒结构和理化性质的贵州典型的黄壤为主配比(添加有机质、粉煤灰等)的填料和美人蕉(观赏性)、芋头、菖蒲、岩豆藤作为污水土地生态系统处理基质,满足土壤微生物的生存条件,强化土壤的生物净化作用,有效脱除污水所携带的污染因子。 中试装置在0~5℃的条件下采用自然启动方式,60d左右完成启动过程。在中试系统进行的不同温度、不同进水C/N、不同水力负荷对污水土地生态处理系统脱氮效果考察:土地生态处理系统对冬季的低温有一定的容忍度,季节对运行效果影响不大。这是土地污水生态处理技术的优点之一;最佳水力停留时间(HRT)为6.7h;中试系统对对氨氮和总氮去除效果良好,去除率分别达到87.78%和74.11%,出水氨氮(14.48mg/L)和总氮(32.84mg/L),达到建设部颁发的生活杂用水水质标准。系统微生物数量及分布普查:系统中氮转化细菌丰富,氨化细菌为10~3~10~6cfu/g(土壤), 中文摘要亚硝化菌为10气lo6MpN/g(土壤),硝化菌104一106 MpN/g(土壤),反硝化细菌为103一10“N田N/g(土壤)。通过氮素硝化、反硝化培养试验,测定中试系统填充土壤的反硝化速率;总结了中试系统人工土的硝化动力学特征;探讨土壤含水量(F .C.)、温度、有机质与土壤硝化作用间的关系;由硝化/反硝化实现生物脱氮是土地生态处理系统脱氮的主要途径。中试系统氧化还原电位(ORP)测定表明,中试装置的土地处理基质层次界面的工艺设置达到了土地生态系统对氧化与还原环境条件的需求。 地沟式污水土地生态处理装置在系统处理负荷上仍有潜力。该系统以其设备简单、基建投资少、操作管理方便、能耗低,有广阔的发展前景。

【Abstract】 A new approach--of Under-Ground-ditch-pattern soil zoologytreatment system is proposed for the enhanced of polluted water. N removal effects and mechanism of Under-Ground-ditch-pattern soil zoology treatment system is concerned in this paper. Study in this paper include filtration of the soil fillings and the plants which adopted to the condition of guizhou; start-up the pilot plant of Under ground-ditch-patter soil zoology treatment system; the influence of circulate parameters for the removal rate of N; indagation microbes in the pilot plant; experiments for nitrification/denitrification processes; mathematics simulation the rules of nitrogen translation and movement.The results demonstrate that the filtrated soil fillings which mainlyconfected by yellow clay--the typical soil in guizhou and plants suchas Canna, Taro, Calamus and Rock Bean Bine can effectively decrease the concentration of contaminations.It takes about 60 days to complete the pilot plant start-up under the temperature of 0-5℃ without seed sludge or sewage. This paper indicates N removal effects of the pilot plant influenced by different temperature, C/N and HRT. Lower temperature in winter is not main hindrance to N removal effects, the best HRT of the pilot plant is 6.7h. The experiment results showed that average removal rates of NH+4-N and TN were 87.78% and 74.11%, with average effluent concentrations of NHVN, TN being 14.48mg/L, 32.84mg/L respectively, which met the standard for water reuse issued by the Ministry of Construction of China.Nitrogen transformation bacteria analysis revealed that there were abundant nitrogen transformation bacteria in the pilot system. 103~106cfu/g (soil) , 103~106MPN/g (soil) , 104~106 MPN/g (soil) , 103~106 MPN/g (soil) , were obtained respectively for ammonifying bacteria, nitrite bacteria, nitrate bacteria, denitrifying bacteria. Nitrogen in the influent was mainly eliminated through biological removal via nitrification/denitrification processes. How to improve nitrification performance through change of soil-water-animalcule-plant environment was the key to enhance N removal rate. The measurement results of ORP in the filled soil showed that soil property satisfied the ox-red condition. Under the lab condition, the nitrification dynamics and its influence factors of manual soil such as F.C. , temperature and the organic material are studied, the denitrification rate and kinetics are measured also.It showed that Under ground-ditch-patter soil zoology treatment system still has potential in disposal loadings.

  • 【分类号】X703
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】509

