

The Quality Research on Teachers as Researchers

【作者】 立展华(詹曾明)

【导师】 吴乃域; 滕鲁阳;

【作者基本信息】 贵州师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文研究教师如何自创条件、自我更新,成为研究者。 研究的科学性需要方法及方法论的自觉性。对研究行为本身进行检讨,既是教师开展研究的现实要求,也是本文对如何开展研究的一次以身作则的尝试。 教学中潜含着研究的因子,但教师必须通过主动的行为,才能成为研究者。在基础教育课程改革背景下,从自上而下到自下而上的课程开发策略和课程管理模式的转换,综合课程、研究性学习的指导,校本课程的开发,信息技术与教学的整合,学生创新素质的培养,等等,多股力量把广大中小学教师推到了教育研究的前台。 从2003年10月16日开始至2003年12月18日结束,我分别与5位中学教师进行了交往、合作,体验教师在信息技术与英语教学整合中的适应与发展。根据这段经历,写成了三个叙事文本,作为考察教师成为研究者的现实材料。 通过解读叙事文本,为教师成为研究者提出如下建议: 确定道路:自创条件、自我更新; 明确目标:养成研究型教师的素质; 形成动力:在实践中追求自我实现; 教师开展研究,应以行动研究为基本方式;教师的行动研究,可以教育试验为一种重要的方法,同时注意行动研究中理论的指导和有效反思。

【Abstract】 The thesis deals with how teachers create condition by themselves and renew themselves to make themselves researchers.The scientific need of a research calls for the self-consciousness of method and methodology. Examining the research itself is necessary for teachers to do research, and attempt to set the thesis an example about how to do research as well.There are potentials lying behind instruction, but teachers have to take initiative to make researchers. In the context of The Curriculum Reform of Basic Education, a variety of factors ranging from the down-to-up tragedy of curriculum development, the new model of curriculum management, the integrated curriculum, researching learning, school-based curriculum, the integration of information technology and teaching to cultivating students’ innovative qualities push teachers on the stage of doing research.I kept intercourse and cooperation with 5 middle school teachers during the period between Oct.16, 2003 and Dec.18, 2003, experiencing teachers’ adapting and developing in the integration of information and English teaching. Based on the experiences, 3 narrative texts are presented to serve as factor data.By explaining the narrative texts, some suggestion is induced for teachers to make themselves researchers:Selecting the path: create condition themselves and renew themselves;Making clear the objects: foster the qualities of researchers;Seeking the drive: pursue self-fulfillment in the practice;Teachers should adopt action research as the basic mode to carry out research; when doing action research, teachers can choose educational trials as an important way. Meanwhile, it’s imperative to put oneself under theories and to do reflective think i ng.

  • 【分类号】G451
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】597

