

A Study of Literature Education in Primary and Secondly Schools

【作者】 徐珞翰

【导师】 王尚文; 李海林;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文是把文学教育作为语文课程的一个必要分支而对其进行的尝试性研究,从文艺学、语言学等理论出发,回溯了中国近现代语文教育史上文学教育的经验教训,借鉴了国外文学教育的研究成果,从课程论的角度对当代的文学教育进行了初步探讨。 本文的基本观点是文学的本质属性和功能决定了它进入学校教育的必要性和重要性。文学进入学校教育的方式是文学教育,其关键问题是如何认识和解决文学教育与语言教育的关系,而这一问题的根源在于重新认识文学和语言的关系。语言和文学之间有重要而复杂的关系,它们不仅是物质材料和艺术的关系,更是“文化背景”和“文化领域”的关系。因此在基础教育中,语言经验和文学教育的任务和使命也有所不同。根据国内文学教育的经验教训并参考国外文学教育的成果,提出要落实文学教育,强调文学教育的独立性和完整性,必须把它和语言教育分开独立教授。最后,从课程论的角度对文学教育的课程目标、价值取向和教材形式等课程设计具体问题作了粗略的勾勒。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is a study of literature education in primary and secondly schools. Based on the curriculum theory, linguistics and reception aesthetics, through retrospect of curriculum practices in modern Chinese instruction ,referred to the studies and research reports of the international curriculum practices, this dissertation trys to investigates the literature teaching in Chinese Subject.The points of view in this dissertation include : the nature and function of literature results in its necessity and importance. Literature Education should be an important branch of Chinese Subject. One important problem of Literature Education is how to settle the relationship between Literature Teaching and Language Teaching. This problem is based on the relationship of Literature and Language. The relation of Language and Literature is not only the relationship between material and art, but "culture background" and "culture fields" as well. Thus their tasks are different in fundamental education. Based on the experiences in native literature education and international literature education, Literature Education should be taught separately and independently. This dissertation gives a outlook on the literature curriculum designs, such as the curriculum goal, curriculum content and literature textbook.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】425

