

True Fabrication: The Narrative Strategy and Culture Meanings of Chinese Metafiction in the New Era

【作者】 钟琴

【导师】 范家进;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 暴露叙述行为是中西文学传统中的一种常用技巧,但20世纪50、60年代自西方兴起的元小说,在形式上与传统的技巧有相似之外,其内含的新质即自我意识和自揭虚构却是极为独特的。1980年代中国也有一批元小说性质的实验作品问世,马原、洪峰、格非、苏童、孙甘露等作家都参与了创作,新时期元小说以质疑成规惯例为旨归,以暴露、戏仿等形式展开叙述,不仅拓展了小说表现的新领地,形式上也有所创新。然而这一不成流派的潮流至今无人予以系统地整理和解读,80年代期刊文论中的相关文章是最早注意和评论此类作品的文字,理论的引进和批评实践也比较成功,但之后的批评发展缓慢,没有形成对话,也没有作更深一层的研究,理论的前行出现了停滞的状态。 本文以中国新时期的元小说叙事策略为研究对象,旨在通过元小说文本特征和类型的梳理、形式创新和艺术效果的分析,结合元小说产生的文化语境和成长机遇,对它所蕴含的文化意味作一番探寻,希望对元小说在文学史上的地位和价值作出相对客观公允的评价。 本文将分四章进行论述。第一章追溯元小说的概念、基本特征和主要技巧,在基本认识上廓清这一舶来的概念;第二章详尽地分析了新时期元小说在表现领域和形式上的创新,概括了此种新技巧的使用对作者和读者产生的双重艺术效果;第三、四两章尝试从文化的角度透视元小说的内涵,第三章侧重描述元小说的产生背景和原因,即西方文化语境和中国本土的生成机遇,第四章则侧重从真实观的更新和成规的质疑两个层次来解读元小说所蕴含的文化意味。 元小说的实验还不成熟,但其经验和不足将深刻地影响和启发未来的文学创作与批评。

【Abstract】 The skill of exposing the narrative is common in Chinese and Westen, while the metafiction sprang up in the 1950’s is different from the traditional conception of literature. In this narrative strategy it adds two premises: self-conscious and emphasize on the fabricattion. In 1980’s some metafiction appeared in China and a group of writers joined in such as MaYuan, HongFeng, GeFei, SuTong, Sun-Ganlu. The Chinese metafiction aims at suspecting the literature convention and reminds the writer and reader to realize it. In their opinion once the convention turns outmoded, it will obstruct expression.To this day, the research of Chinese metafiction is not be faced seriously, we need monograph and dialogue. Only a few people do some work about this topic in 1980’s. They made some introduction on the theories of metafiction. But the research is not continued later.The paper will discussed Chinese metafiction from four chapters. In the first chapter we will look back at the conception, chief characters and skills. In the second, we will sum up the metafiction’s types and impact in the new era. In the third chapter we analyse the culture enviroment and opportunity of metafiction. Then in the fourth chapter we talk on the culture meanings including truth, fiction and so on. The metafiction refresh the view on the truth.The practice of Chinese metafiction is not mature enough, but its experience and inadequate will give active effect on the future literature.

【关键词】 新时期元小说真实虚构文化意味
【Key words】 the new erametafictiontruthfictionculture means
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】686

