

Research on the Problem of Teachers’Free Flowing in Colleges and Universities in China

【作者】 王焕轶

【导师】 刘尧;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,随着社会主义市场经济的进一步发展,我国人才流动的地域界限、所有制界限、身份界限、户籍界限已逐步被打破,各类人才正在更加宽松的环境下,通过市场实现自主择业和自由流动。通过市场配置人才资源,促进人才从“单位人”向“社会人”转变,实现人才资源社会化是我国社会主义市场经济发展的必然趋势。 然而,我国高等学校的教师管理,在一定程度上相对滞后于社会主义市场经济体制改革。封闭、静态的单位(部门)所有制管理,已经成为教师流动的羁绊,影响了教育事业的发展。因此,教师流动问题就成为理论界和实践领域共同关注的热门话题。 本文围绕我国高校教师流动难的现实问题和社会变革、高教改革发展的需要,从进一步改进和完善高校教师管理的立场出发,提出了高校教师自由流动的理论构想。在阐述自由流动的基本含义、历史轨迹、社会背景和重大意义的基础上,深入解析了自由流动障碍,然后借鉴劳动经济学的相关理论分析了自由流动实现的条件,初步构建了自由流动的社会化管理机制。最后,提出了高校教师自由流动要进一步思考的有关问题。 本文以马克思辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的世界观和方法论为前提和指导,遵循科学严谨、实事求是的原则,按照提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的研究路线,将资料分析和历史考察、现状研究相结合,对研究对象进行了历史分析、内外因系统分析、主客观分析和条件分析等定性分析。 本文研究的目的:其一,丰富我国高校教师管理理论,为高校教师自由流动提供一定的理论支持;其二,对我国高校教师队伍建设提供一定的实践指导。

【Abstract】 Since the reform and opening up policy has been carried out, and with the further development of the socialist market economy, the limitation of the flow of trained people in place, ownership, identity, registered permanent residence is gradually broken in our country. All kinds of trained people are flowing and selecting career freely according to the market in a loosely environment. The researcher suggests that it is a natural trend of the socialist market economy that distributing trained people resources according to the market and making them translate from "the unit people" to "the social people"and then realizing the socialization of them.However, the administration of the teachers in colleges and universities in our country lags far behind. The sealed and static administration of the unit system becomes the hindrance of the teachers’flowing , which holds back the development of the education. So the flow of teachers becomes a hot topic of researchers and practitioners.The thesis focuses on the difficulty of the teachers’flowing and the need of the development of our society and the reform in the higher education in our country. A theoretic idea of free flowing of the teachers in colleges and universities is put forward in order to improve and perfect the administration of the teachers in colleges and universities. Analysing the obstacle of free flowing is based on expounding the basic definition,the history and the development, the background, and the great significance of free flowing. The conditions of free flowing are also considered by the researcher according to the related theory of Labor Economics. Then the researcher has primarily brought forward an administration system of the free flowing of the teachers in colleges and universities. Some other relative problems about the free flowing of teachers in colleges are listed in the end.The study is made based on the theory of Marxian Dialectic Materialism and History Dialectic Materialism, following the strict scientific way that is made in the form of putting forward the topic, analyzing it and solving it by combining the material analyzing and historical researching as well as studying of the reality. The qualitative method in the thesis is concluded of historical analyzing, inner and outer causes analyzing ,subjective and objective analysis.One of the aims of the study is to enrich the administration theory of teachers in colleges and universities and provide theoretical support for the free flowing of the teachers in colleges and universities. The other is to offer some practical instructions for the construction of the teachers in colleges and universities in China.

  • 【分类号】G645.1
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】644

