

The Study of Cultivating the Ability of Self-regulated Learning of Mathematics in Senior High School

【作者】 陈碧芬

【导师】 鲁献蓉;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在数学学习中开展自主学习是社会发展的需要,个体发展的需要,也是新课程改革的需要。 笔者认为,在现行教学条件下,自主学习指学生处于教学的主体地位,在学习过程中,学生能根据学习目标、学习任务、自身的特点选择独特的学习方法,独立地、策略地解决学习中的问题,并自觉地对学习实施自我检查和评价,实施符合自我发展可能性的调整。在分析自主学习的特征以及我国教学实际的基础上,从学生的内部出发,抽象概括出数学学习中开展自主学习的三要素,即催化剂——情感、态度等非智力因素,关键因素——迁移,调节器——元认知。并提出针对这三个要素,我们应该从学生自主学习内在要素的增强、以及自主学习外部环境的创建,来初步达到高中生在数学学习中自主学习能力的培养。 自主学习内在要素的增强可从学习动机、迁移能力以及元认知能力等方面的培养入手: (1)激发学习动机。通过引导学生建立正确的数学观和数学学习观,明确自主学习的重要性;通过渗透数学的广泛应用性,激起数学学习的欲望;通过创设问题情境,激发数学学习的兴趣;通过倡导成功教育,维持数学学习的动机。 (2)促进迁移能力的发展。迁移是新知识与原有认知结构通过思维加工而实现的,因此,建立良好的认知结构和提高数学思维能力(特别是数学逻辑思维能力和数学形象思维能力)可以发展学生的迁移能力,进而促进自主学习能力的增强。 (3)提高元认知能力。元认知包括元认知知识、元认知监控和元认知体验。通过增加元认知知识、加强元认知监控的指导以及丰富元认知体验培养学生的元认知能力,促进学生学会学习。 自主学习的外部环境通过创设民主、坦诚的课堂、设置适当的教学方式、提供丰富的学习资源以及实施合理的评价机制得以构建。 (1)创设民主、坦诚的课堂。通过体现平等的人格地位、突出学生的主体地位以及做好学生间的润滑剂,创设有利于学生积极思考、表现自我的环境,促进学生自主学习。 (2)设置适当的教学形式。根据不同的教学内容、不同的学习环境以及学生的学习风格等,设置适当的教学形式,促使学生自主学习。 (3)提供丰富的学习资源。通过创设多样的情景、推荐书刊和相关网站、介绍寻找资料的方法以及建立班级资源库等手段,提供丰富的学习资源,拓展数学学习的空间。 (4)实施合理的评价机制。评价内容要与自主学习相关,评价方式要能促进学生自主学习,评价主体要多元化,尽量让学生进行自评或评他,进而通过实施合理的教学评价,促使学生自主学习能力的增强。 最后,提出了自主学习课堂教学评价的标准,并附案例加以阐释。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, Self-regulated learning that we developed in mathematical learning not only meets the needs of society and individual, but also suitable for the new reform of curriculum.In my opinion, the student should be principal throughout self-regulated learning under the current teaching condition. During the study period, the student can select unique learning ways based on the learning target, allocated task, and self-traits to resolve the problems independently and strategically. Furthermore, the student can carry out self-check and self-value consciously, implement changes in terms of the possibility of self-development. In this article, from the interior of students, the main three elements of self-regulated learning, that is intellectually (sensibility and attitude), key factor (transfer), and adjuster (meta-cognition), will be summarised based on the characteristic of self-regulated learning and the teaching practice in China. Therefore, in order to achieve the purpose of enhancing the ability of high school student in the self-regulated mathematical learning, we should improve the interior elements, and establish the exterior environment.Firstly, we can improve the interior elements of self-regulated learning from inspiring learning motivation, cultivating transfer ability and meta-cognition, which is described in the following points:(1) Inspiring learning motivation. Definitude the importance of self-regulated learning by inducting students establishing accurate mathematical view and mathematical learning view; arise mathematical learning desire by penetrating the application of mathematics extensively, inspiring students interest in mathematical learning by activating problem scene, and maintaining learning motivation by advocating success education.(2) Promoting the development of transfer ability. Transfer realize from thinking-processing between the original cognition structure and new information. Therefore, establishing well cognition structure and enhancing mathematical ideation especially logical thinking and visual thinking aspect can promote transfer ability. Finally it leads to improvement of student self-regulated learning ability.(3) Enhancing meta-cognition ability. Meta-cognition includes meta-cognition knowledge, surveillance and experience. We can cultivate meta-cognition ability, promote learning through enhancing the instruction and enriching the experience.Secondly, the exterior environment of self-regulated learning can be gained by creating democratic and straight-our class, setting up appropriate teaching manner, offering sufficient study resource, and implementing rational evaluation mechanism. The main points are shown in the following:(1) Create democratic and straight-out class. We should emphasis the equality of eachstudent, give prominence to students, and establish close relation with students. Obviously, the establishment of good environment can let the student think creatively and actively in the class that accelerates the self-regulated learning process.(2) Setup appropriate teaching methods. We should set up appropriate teaching methods to acquire self-regulated learning by identifying the difference of teaching contents, learning environment, and learning style.(3) Offer abundant study resources. It can be done by various ways, such as providing kinds of scenes, giving suggestion of appropriate magazines, books and net, introducing the ways for searching suitable information, and establishing class information storeroom. It would widen learning room and also provide fresh idea for the student.(4) Implement rational evaluation system. The content of evaluation system should be mainly related to self-regulated learning. The methods used in the evaluation system should be aimed to promote self-regulated learning. We should encourage the students to evaluate herself (or himself) or others through the appropriate evaluation methods to enhance the ability of self-regulated learning.At last, the standard of the cla

  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【被引频次】4
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