

【作者】 张建珍

【导师】 陈立人; 许晓路;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 情绪在人类的行为产生和认知等过程中有重要的作用。将现代心理学的有关情绪的研究成果运用于环境道德教育中,充分发挥学生的主体作用,通过对学生情绪的调节达到提高环境道德教育实效性的目的,最终有利于可持续的环境道德观内化为学生的价值观并产生保护环境的道德行为,此即基于情绪调节的环境道德教育。 针对当前我国中小学环境道德教育实效性差的问题,本文认为其根本原因是环境道德教育中重知轻情、无视学生的主体性的现象普遍存在。情绪、情感作为使教育真正具有生命活力的要素,长期被掩盖在以知性教育为主、为重,片面注重升学率的价值追求之下,这从根本上导致了环境道德教育的结果是学生环境道德知识学习了不少,但环境道德情感没有树立,学生不能产生保护环境的行为。如何改变这一局面呢?现代情绪心理学的研究成果表明:情绪在人的心理生活中居于十分重要的位置,它既策动人的本能行为,又干预社会学习和创造活动,既是人的行为活动的动力,又对人的行为起着组织作用。人类的高级目的行为和意志均离不开情绪因素的驱动。据此,本文认为要提高环境道德教育的实效性,促成学生环境道德行为的产生,就必须在环境道德教育中引入情绪调节。 接着本文进行了基于情绪调节的环境道德教育的理论建构。基于情绪调节的环境道德教育以人本主义学习观、情绪心理学及儿童道德发展规律和儿童情感发展理论为基础;探讨了情绪调节在环境道德教育的知、情、意、行各个部分各有怎样的作用;其涉及的主要情绪兴趣、愉快、焦虑、内疚、同情等各有怎样的作用,在课堂中如何加以激发;其情绪调节的方式有指向外部的以境生情和以情生情,以及指向内部的情绪的自我调节;其基本特征是什么。最后部分,本文对基于情绪调节的环境道德教育的教学设计进行了探讨。建构了基于情绪调节的环境道德教育教学设计模型,对其中的一些重要环节的设计进行了分析,并设计了一个基于情绪调节的环境道德教育的实例。 本文的创新之处在于: 1、将现代情绪心理学研究成果应用于环境道德教育,实现了一种跨学科的整合。 2、基于情绪调节的环境道德教育是对国内一些情绪调节教学模式的拓展和深入。 基于情绪调节的环境道德教育首先是对他们在适用范围上的扩大,即从原先的认知性知识领域扩大到态度教育的领域;其次在教学涉及的情绪种类上在原先的兴趣、愉快、焦虑的基础上增加了内疚和同情两种情绪,因为对于道德学习而言,这两种情绪非常重要;再次,在情绪调节的方式上,由原来单纯的由外部因素的调节转向外部因素的调节和自身调节相结合的方式。 3、设计、提出了基于情绪调节的环境道德教育的教学设计模型,对教学设计中的一些重要环节进行分析,并设计了一个教学设计实例,为中小学教师进行基于情绪调节的环境道德教育提供了借鉴。

【Abstract】 Emotion plays an important role in human’s behavior and cognition. To apply the research results about emotion in the field of modern psychology into the education of environmental moral, to exert students principle part and to achieve the goal of making the education of environmental moral through adjusting students’ emotion are beneficial for students to constantly internalize the value of environmental moral and produce the environment-protecting action, which is the education of environmental moral on the basis of emotion adjustment.The author points out in this thesis that the main causes of the poor efficiency in the education of environmental moral in Chinese primary schools and middle schools lie in the fact that cognition is more emphasized than emotion, and that students’ principle roles are usually ignored. Emotion and sensibility, the two active factors in education, are covered by the intellectual-oriented education and the goal of high promotion rate. It results in the fact that students’ knowledge of environmental moral are increased without any environmental emotion and environment-protecting action. Then how to change such situation? The research of modern emotional psychology indicates that emotion plays the important role in human’s mind that may stimulate human’s instinctive behavior and also interfere social study and creation. It is not only the drive of human’s behavior but also organizes those behaviors. And human’s superior behavior cannot be separated from the drive of emotion. As the result, the author argues that in order to increase the effectiveness of the education of environmental moral and cultivate students’ environment-protecting action, it is essential to apply emotion adjustment into the education of environmental moral.Moreover, the author tries to construct the theory of emotion adjustment in the education of environment moral. Since such education is on the basis of humanity learning, emotional psychology, the theory about developing rule of children’s moral and emotion, the author discusses the roles of emotion adjustment in cognition, emotion, sensibility and action in the education of environmental moral from the perspective of previous basis. The roles of emotion, interest, pleasure, anxiety, guilt and sympathy that are concerned are studied to find how to cultivate them in class.The modes of emotion adjustment include emotion caused by situation and emotion that points to the inside, and emotion caused by external emotion. And the features of emotion adjustment are also discussed. In the last part of this thesis, the author explores the design of how to teach education of environmental moral, which is based on emotion adjustment. A teaching model of such kind of education is constructed and the critical points are analyzed. Meanwhile, an example of education of environmental education is put forward.The innovations of this thesis are as the following:1. It makes the integration of different discipline reality through applying the research results of modern emotional psychology into the education of environmental moral.2. The education of environmental moral that is based on emotion adjustment expands and penetrates the existing teaching models of emotion adjustment.The design of how to teach education of environmental moral, which is based on emotion adjustment, is raised in this thesis and the critical points are analyzed. Meanwhile, an example of instructional design of environmental moral education is put forward, which can be used by primary school teachers and middle school teachers as references.

  • 【分类号】B842
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】423

