

Increase of Peasants’ Income and Innovation of System

【作者】 郭潜深

【导师】 姚电;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,农民收入增长缓慢。农民收入问题已成为国民经济发展中亟待解决的重点和难点。为了促进农民收入的快速增长,国家采取了诸多的政策和措施,但成效都不明显,农民收入问题也没有得到根本性的改善。农民收入增长缓慢是一个全国性、普遍性的问题,其深层原因是制度因素。鉴于此,本文在制度方面探索促进农民增收的有效措施、手段和方向,为政府在增加农民收入的决策上提供建议和参考。研究方法是以制度为核心的分析法、文献法和访谈法。 本文高度概括了影响农民增收的制度缺陷。农村土地制度缺陷:农村土地所有权、使用权的缺陷,家庭联产承包责任制的缺陷,土地征用制度的缺陷。户籍制度的缺陷,阻碍了农民进城就业,阻碍了城市化,使农民没有社会保障。财税制度的缺陷:现行的财税制度加重了农民负担;农村税费改革的缺陷;财政支农问题。农村金融制度缺陷:农村金融组织产权不清,农村金融组织制度缺陷,农村金融市场缺乏竞争,农村金融制度环境严峻。农村行政管理制度缺陷:机构膨胀,冗员过多,造成农民负担重;政府行为不规范,缺乏约束;农民缺乏发言权。 针对以上制度缺陷,进行制度创新。创新农村土地制度,实行农村土地国家所有制,赋予农民永久性的农地使用权,用土地购买制度取代土地征用制度,实行家庭承包责任制与合作经营制相结合的制度。创新户籍制度,废除就业歧视,加强进城农民社会保障工作,降低农民进城门槛,加快城市化。创新财税制度,建立公共财政制度,推广和完善农村税费改革,切实减轻农民负担,创新财政支农政策。创新农村金融制度,创新农村信用社产权制度和组织制度,放开民间金融市场准入,培育农村民营银行,形成有效竞争,创造良好的农村金融制度环境。创新农村行政管理制度,实行机构改革,减少冗员;规范政府行为,加强监督;成立农会,保护农民合法权益。 通过制度创新,还农民国民待遇,从制度上保证农民收入较快增长。

【Abstract】 Content: Recently, peasants’ income increases very slowly. The increase of peasants’ income has become the most important problem in developing economy. In order to accelerate the increase of peasants’ income, government make lots of measures, but the effect is not very good. The problem for peasants’ income has not been unproved yet. It is nationally and university. The deep reason is system factor. So, this article looks for measures of increasing peasants’ income from system.This article summarizes the defect of system affecting the increase of peasants’ income. The defect of system of rural land covers possession, usufruct, system of family undertaking obligation and system of rural land levy. The defect of system of household register prevents peasants from finding jobs in the city, hampers develop of cities and deprives peasants’ right of social security. The defect of system of finance and taxation exacerbates peasants’ burden; there exists problem of reform of taxation and fee, problem in support of agriculture. The defect of system of rural finance covers possession and organization, lacks competitions and good environment. The defect of system of rural administration includes distension of machinery and lots of supernumerary, government’ action lacking commitment, peasants lacking spokesman.According to these defects, innovation of system must be taken. Innovation of system of rural land includes these measures. State owns rural land. Peasants own permanent usufruct of rural land. Taking over for use rural land should be placed by buying rural land. Innovation of system household register abolishes discrimination of finding jobs, gives peasants social security, detracts the sill of cities. Innovation of system of finance and tax establishes public finance, makes the reform of fee and tax perfect, innovates policy of finance in support of agriculture. Innovation of system bf rural finance covers possession and organization of niral credit bureau, lets loose the market of rural finance, ameliorates environment of rural finance. Innovation of system of rural administration reforms machinery, reduces supernumerary, makes government’ action norm, lets peasants own association of peasant.Innovation of system make peasants increase income.

  • 【分类号】F323.8
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】377

