

The Analysis of Reality and the Study of Idealism on PE Teacher Professional Development

【作者】 陈志丹

【导师】 冯洪;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 教师专业化是世界教师教育发展的趋势和潮流,也是我国教师教育改革的需要和方向。本文通过文献资料法、逻辑分析等方法对体育教师专业发展问题进行探讨,希望对我国体育教师教育提供一些新的思路,并为提升体育教师的专业地位、专业素养及培养更多的专家型体育教师提供一定的理论思维。本论文除前言外,正文分为三个部分。 第一部分,教师专业发展研究综述。由于教师专业发展研究在我国尚处于起步阶段,在体育教育研究领域中直接以体育教师专业发展作为命题的尚属空白,因此这个部分主要是对国内外关于教师专业发展的研究成果进行梳理,据此作为体育教师专业发展实然分析与应然研究的理论基础。 第二部分,体育教师专业发展的实然分析。体育教师作为教师群体的一个部分,长期以来在我国相比其他教师声誉不佳,地位不高是个不争的事实,究其原因尽管是多方面的,但和体育教师整体素质不高是有着直接联系。对体育教师专业发展的实然分析是在对已有的体育教师教育成果简要评析及对体育教师职业发展回顾的基础上重点探讨了三方面的内容,首先,分析了体育教师专业化的趋势。认为体育教师专业化是时代发展的必然要求,同时指出体育教师专业化有助于提高体育教师专业素质和专业地位。其次,分析了体育教师专业发展阶段的一般性规律。并指出体育教师教育培训或继续教育要符合体育教师的主体需要,根据教师的不同发展阶段提供适宜的帮助与支持,才能更有利于体育教师的成长。最后,分析了体育教师的专业结构。认为体育教师的专业发展是其基础系统、保证系统、动力系统和效益系统相互作用、相互促进的结果。 第三部分,体育教师专业发展的应然研究。随着素质教育的全面推进、体育新课程标准的实施,体育教师应该如何追求更高水平的教育品质,以迎接新世纪的挑战?针对目前体育教师使用和培养上“自然成熟”的倾向,认为当代的体育教师不是被动适应时代的发展,而应主动引领时代的发展。体育教师要从传统的角色中走出来,不仅要从体育教育教学规律出发给自己的工作和作用定位,而且要了解当前教育改革对体育教师角色的新期待并进行适宜的角色转换,以更好地适应自身的专业发展。在此基础上指出体育教师专业发展的最终取向是“专家型体育教师”的培养。

【Abstract】 Teacher professionalization is the trend of the world teacher education development and the orientation of our country’s teacher education reform. Under the background of education reform, by the method of literature and logical analysis, the thesis means to put forward some new ideas about RE teacher’s education and improve RE teacher’s professionalization and give some theory method to cultivate more professional RE teachers. The thesis includes three parts besides the preface.The first part is about general description to the teacher professional development. Owing to the research to the teacher professional development is at the beginning and is empty at the research realm directly aiming at RE teacher in china, this part will put emphasis on combing the fruits of research about the teacher professional development, accordingly, such will be regarded as the theory basis to analyzing the fact that is and ought to be about the development of RE teacher major.The second part is about analyzing the fact of the RE teacher professional development It is a fact that PE teachers’ reputation is not as good as other teachers’ and their social status is lower, too. The reasons lie in many respects, but the main is directly connected with their own quality. This part will put emphasis on discussing three respects at basis of brief reviewing development of PE teacher. Above all, it analyses the tendency of PE teacher professionalization that is thought to be necessary by the modem society and that also helps to improve PE teacher’s quality and status. Secondly, it also analyses the common rule of PE teacher’s development and points out cultivation of PE teachers meets their requirement. Finally, it also analyses the major structure of PE teacher and believes that the major development of PE teacher is the result of the intercourse among the basis system, guarantee system, power system and efficiency system.The third part is about researching the fact about the development of the PE teacher major that ought to be. With the promotion of ability education and the new criterion of PE course, how can the PE teachers be after the higher teaching quality so as to face the challenge of new century? The thesis believes that PE teachers should step out of the traditional roles to lead the modem development of RE teacher, but not to meet the development passively. PE teachers should not only find their position in the PE education but also understand the expectancy to PE teachers in the education reform, according their roles in order to adapt themselves to the PE majordevelopment. At the basis, the thesis point out the final tendency of PE teachers’cultivation is to foster the expert PE teachers.

  • 【分类号】G807
  • 【被引频次】28
  • 【下载频次】765

