

A Study on the Evolution, Sitution and Development of Setting-up Exercises in Our Country’s Higher and Elementary Schools

【作者】 陈颖悟

【导师】 余万予;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 中小学课间操在我国已有近百年历史,它是我国中小学体育教育的重要内容之一,在增强学生体质、加强组织纪律与集体主义教育等方面曾发挥了积极的作用。但随着现代社会的发展,传统课间操已不能完全满足学生的心理需要,构建新的大课间体育活动(以下简称大课间)势在必行。为此,本课题主要在下列几方面进行了探讨,即:本研究的时代背景;我国课间操的产生、发展及现状;我国课间操的研究现状、目前组织形式及存在问题;大课间体育活动的实践思索。第一部分主要对本课题的研究背景进行了概括,强调由传统课间操向大课间体育活动的转轨是顺应时代发展的要求,是全面实施素质教育的突破口;第二部分回顾了课间操的发展历史,界定了我国课间操、大课间体育活动产生的年代及社会背景。对“我国课间操于1921年在北京师范大学附中首创”提出质疑,经研究考证,证实了我国课间操早在1914年就已在清华学校(今清华大学)诞生的历史事实,同时从历史的角度审视了建国前后我国课间操所起的积极作用和不足之处,目的是总结历史经验,为更好地发挥课间操的多元化教育功能提供参考。第三部分归纳了我国课间操的研究现状及局限、目前课间操的组织形式及存在的问题,提出在符合教育目标的前提下,大课间的内容安排和组织应打破就“操”论“操”的格局,充分考虑学生的兴趣和心理需要;最后对大课间的实践价值进行了探索,旨在说明大课间对促进或加速个体社会化进程方面的独特功效,具有前瞻性地提出大课间应由传统的单纯注重体育的生物功能向发展学生的心理素质和社会适应能力方向转变,并创造性地提出了开展大课间体育活动的条件、目标、原则及应处理好的几种关系,为构建新的大课间活动模式提供了全新的思路,具有十分重要的现实指导意义。

【Abstract】 The setting-up exercises in higher schools and elementary schools of country have a history of several hundred years. It is one of the most important educational contents in our country. And it has played an active role in building students’ physical health and collective education, strengthening students’ displine. However, with the development of modern society, traditional setting-up exercises can no longer meet students’ psychological needs wholly. It is necessary to create a new form of the Grand-setting-up exercises(the following as the GSUE). For doing this, this research has mainly discussed this question in for aspects, namely the background of this research, its appearance, development and current situation of the setting-up exercises in our country, its current research situation, constructing form, existing problems and considering the application of the new setting-up exercises. Part one mainly generalizes the research background of this topic. It emphasizes that the change from traditional setting-up exercises to the GSUE adapts to the requirements of times, and its also the breakthrough of carrying out all-round education completely. Part two reviews the developing history of setting-up exercises, defines the appearing time and social background of Chinese setting-up exercises and GSUE. It challenges the proposition Chinese setting-up exercises was first created in the Attached Middle School of Beijing Normal University in 1921. After research, u proves the history fact that Chinese setting-up exercises emerged in Qinghua School (Qinghua University today ) early in 1914. Meanwhile, we also look closely at its positive roles and its disadvantages in front and behind the founding of P . R . C. we aims at summarizing historical experiences and provides reference for developing setting-up exercises’ poly-educational function better. Part three deals with its current research situation, its limitations, its current constructing forms and existing problems in our country. On the basis of meeting educational aims, the dissertation affirms that GSUE’s arrangement and formation should break the pattern of purely discussing "exercises" from "exercises", and should put students interests and psychological needs into consideration fully. Lastly, the dissertation discuss the practical values of the GSUE. The purpose is to explain the unique function of promoting or accelerating individual socialization from the GSUE. The article predicts that the GSUE should turn from traditional body strengthening to heart strengthening, that’s to say, change from paying attention to biological function to social function. The dissertation also creatively put forwards the conditions, aims and principles of carrying out the GSUE and how to deal with these relations. It offers brand-new thinking for constructing new GSUE’s pattern, which has big significance of practical guidance.

  • 【分类号】G633.96
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1800

