

Systemic Functional Stylistic Approach to English Poetry

【作者】 张建社

【导师】 李发根;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 自从亚里士多德研究文体以来,文体一直是一个颇多争议的话题,主要涉及形式与意义的关系问题,方法论问题以及影响文体的因素等等。韩礼德的文体观较好地处理上述问题。他提出文体即‘意义潜势’或‘有动因的突出’,从功能角度诠释了文体的性质和文体的目的。 文体即意义潜势是基于‘语言功能理论’之上的。韩礼德认为语言具有三种纯理功能:作者/讲话者作为观察者的‘概念功能’,用以表达人们的社会经历和内心的心理经验,同时也表达事物之间的各种逻辑关系;作者/讲话者作为闯入者的‘人际功能’,旨在表达他的意见、态度、评价和他与听话者相对角色关系;和作者/讲话者作为语篇组织者的‘语篇功能’,他把概念功能和人际功能关联成为一个整体,共同在情景语境中起作用。这三种功能相互关联构成了‘意义潜势’;语篇正是作者或讲话者根据情景语境对‘意义潜势’作连续的选择而形成的。语言功能通过语域的三个变量(语场、基调和语式)向上与情景语境关联起来:同时,对语言功能的选择向下促动了对词汇语法系统的选择,从而形成了语法结构;对词汇语法系统的选择又促动了对音系或字系系统的选择,从而形成了音系或字系结构。所有这些选择都有可能对语篇的文体产生意义。 系统功能文体学家也把文体视作‘有动因的突出’。这种动因一为功能,一为情景语境。在情景语境的作用下,一种突出特征以‘失衡’或‘失协’的方式在语篇中得以前景化,获得文体价值。失衡和失协可以体现在语篇的各个层次中,从音系或字系层直至语义层。前者建立和强化常规,而后者则违反和破坏常规。与日常用语相比较,诗歌包涵着十分丰富的突出特征,本文较为详尽地列举了在英语诗歌中经常出现的突出特征。 最后,通过对丁尼生的一首小诗《鹰》全面的功能文体分析表明,系统功能文体学是一种可操作性强、实用性强的文体分析理论,它能够为语篇的文体分析提供客观标准,有效地使读者对语篇的主观理解在客观的标准之上。

【Abstract】 Content: Since Aristotle studied style as form, it has been a hot issue of much debate, mainly concerning the relationship between form and meaning, the methodologies and the factors which have an influence on style. All these are properly solved by Halliday’s stylistic theories. He has put forward style as ’meaning potential’ or ’motivated prominence’, expounding on the nature and goals of style from the functional perspective.Style as meaning potential is based on ’functional theory of language’, by which language performs three metafunctions: ’ideational’ function, having the writer or speaker as an observer, which is used to express human social experience and inner psychological experience, and also express all kinds of logical relations between the entities; ’interpersonal’ function, having the writer or speaker as an intruder, which aims to expressing his or her opinions, attitudes, evaluations and relative role relationships between him or her and the reader or hearer; and ’textual’ function, having the writer or speaker as a text-forming organizer, which enables the other two become relevant with each other in the context. These three functions are interrelated and interlocked, forming the semantic level ’meaning potential’. It is from ’meaning potential’ that the writer or speaker makes a consecutive selection to create a text according to the context of situation. On the one hand, language functions have an upward relation with the context of situation through three variables of register: field, tenor and mode: ideational is mainly determined by the field; interpersonal is determined by the tenor; and textual is mainly determined by the mode. On the other hand, the selection of language functions downward activates that of system of lexicogrammar, thus forming grammatical structure of a text; and, in turn, the selection of lexicogrammar activates that of phonological or graphological system, thus forming phonological or graphological structure. All these selections have a probability of contributing to the style of a text.Systemic functional stylisticians also consider style as ’motivated prominence’. The factors of motivation are language functions and the context of situation. Under the activation of situation, a prominent feature in the form of deflection or incongruity will be foregrounded, thus obtaining its stylistic value. Deflection and incongruity are realized in every level of a text, from phonology or graphology up to semantics; the former establishes and intensifies the form, whereas the latter violates and destroys the norm. Compared with everyday language, poetry contains very resourceful prominent features which are enumerated in detail in this dissertation.Finally, the relatively complete systemic functional analysis of Alfred Tennyson’s ’The Eagle’ is provided, which illustrates that systemic functional stylistics is a very operational and practical stylistic theory of analysis, presenting an objective standard for stylistic analysis of a text, and effectively making the reader’s subjective comprehension based on the objective standard.

  • 【分类号】H315
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】439

