

Professional Autonomy--A Study of Development of Teacher’s Profession

【作者】 董步学

【导师】 何齐宗;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 教育管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文尝试从专业自主的角度,探索教师专业发展的道路。首先考察了国际教师专业发展研究的历程,反思伴随教师专业发展研究历程而形成的教师专业发展的理念和实践,得出教师个体对教学专业的自主,是教师专业发展的主要趋势,是教师发展的根本动力所在的启示。接着考察了专业的一般标准,剖析专业自主的涵义。然后讨论专业自主的价值和发展机制。在此基础上,论证了教师专业自主对教师专业发展的重要性。最后,指出教师个体专业自主是教师专业发展的必由之路,并着力阐述了教师专业自主的实践建议:做教学活动的反思者和研究者;开发自己的实践理论;专业合作、交流;充分利用网络资源;终身专业学习等。

【Abstract】 This paper aims to explore the way of the development of the teacher’s profession from the angle of profession autonomy. To begin with, the paper reviews the course of the development of the teacher’s profession in the world and thinks about its theory and practise. It concludes that individual teacher’s autonomy of the profession taught it trend of the development of the teacher’s profession and its fundemental driving force. Secondly, it examines the general standard of the profession and analyses the problems existing in the theory and the practice of the development of the teacher’s profession in our country. It points out the importance of the teacher’s profession autonomy. Thirdly, it discusses the values of professional autonomy, and the develop mechonisms.. Finally, it points out that the teacher’s profession can not develop without the professional autonomy of the individual teacher. Furthermore, it gives the following suggestions: The teachers should think about and research on our teaching activities and consider life - long self - education as the driving force of the development of the profession etc.

  • 【分类号】G451
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】683

