

Research on the Information Literacy and Training Models of Normal University Students

【作者】 黄晓军

【导师】 项国雄;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 以多媒体和网络技术为核心的现代信息技术对教育产生了重大影响。对于高等教育而言,一方面要将现代信息技术作为课程体系的一部分以培养学生的信息素养,另一方面在教师的教学和学生的学习中要广泛应用信息技术,以促进教学模式和学习方式的根本变革,提高教与学的质量和效果。 对于致力于未来人类教育事业的高等院校师范生而言,适应教育信息化的需要,还有更深层次的含义:必须掌握系统的信息技术知识和技能、有较强的信息意识和信息能力、较高的信息伦理与道德修养、具备较强的应用信息技术特别是多媒体与网络技术进行教学与学习的能力。即具备较高的信息素养。 本文从现代信息技术教育应用对未来教师的要求出发,在分析国外教师教育计划相关国家标准的基础上,结合我国的实际情况,提出了我国高等院校师范生必须具备的信息素养,并提出了反思实践者和以课程为途径开展网络教育两种培养信息素养的模式。这些研究成果对于推进基础教育信息化和提高高等院校师范生的信息素养将起到一定的作用。

【Abstract】 The modern information technology, which has multi-media and network technology as its core, has made important impact on the education .As the higher education is concerned, on one hand we have modem information technology as one part of curriculum system to cultivate information literacy of the students, on the other hand, we should widely use the information technology in teaching and learning to promote the fundamental changes of teaching model and learning styles, and to improve quality and effect of teaching and learning as well.As for the normal university students engaged in the future education, there is a deeper implications in the adaptation to the requirement of the education imformationization: we must master the systematical knowledge and ability of information; have keen consciousness and stronger ability of information; have higher information ethic and moral literacy and acquire the ability of using information technology (especially the multi-media and network technology) in teaching and learning. In short, have higher information literacy.Based on the analysis of the national standards on teachers’ training in the foreign country and the practical situation of our country, this article put forward the necessary information literacy the students in normal universities need from the application of modern information technology which present the requirement for the future teachers; and suggest two models that foster the information literacy: reflective operator and the network education on the basis of courses. These achievements will play an important role in promoting the informationization of the basic education and the information literacv of the normal university students.

  • 【分类号】G658.3
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】584

