

Application of Bluetooth Technology on Wireless Palm ECG Monitor

【作者】 于志斌

【导师】 李志斌;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 系统分析与集成, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 蓝牙作为一种短程无线通信技术,由于体积小、功耗低等特点,已成为无线嵌入式医疗设备所考虑采用的基本无线通信技术之一。 新型的心电图监护设备——掌上型无线心电监护仪采用蓝牙技术作为心电采集器和掌上计算机之间数据传输的桥梁,取代了传统的线缆连接方式。本文以医疗保健设备的发展趋势为背景,介绍了蓝牙技术的特点、协议,并将其与当今流行的其它无线通信技术进行了对比。然后,设计和实现了一种利用精简蓝牙协议栈实现蓝牙无线通信的方法,主要包括: 逻辑链路控制和适配协议(Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol,L2CAP)的设计与实现。L2CAP是蓝牙协议栈的核心协议,它为应用和更高层的协议屏蔽了下层传输协议的细节,是高层协议和底层协议的纽带。 服务发现协议(Service Discovery Protocol,SDP)的测试。SDP也是蓝牙协议栈的核心协议,它定义了一种标准方法,以使蓝牙设备可以发现其它设备提供的服务。 最后,对蓝牙技术的发展及其在医疗保健领域的进一步应用作了展望。包含本论文所介绍的主要工作在内的掌上型无线心电监护仪已经实现。

【Abstract】 As a kind of short-range wireless communication technology, Bluetooth has become one of the basic wireless technologies to be used in wireless embedded medical equipments with small size and low power-consumption.Adopting Bluetooth wireless communication technology, a new type of ECG monitor equipment-Wireless Palm ECG (electrocardiographic) Monitor replaces the traditional wire-connected one. With the background of the trend of the development of medical health instrument, the thesis introduces the characteristics and protocol of Bluetooth and compares them with other prevalent wireless communication technologies. After that, it presents the design and implementation of Bluetooth wireless communication with simplified protocol. The main issues are:Design and implement of L2CAP(Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol). L2CAP, which is the bridge between higher level and lower level protocols, is part of core contents. It masks the details of lower host-host protocol for the application and higher protocol.Testing of SDP(Service Discovery Protocol). SDP is also part of core contents. It defines a standard way, through which Bluetooth device can find the services supplied by others.In the end, the thesis makes a prospect of the development of Bluetooth technology and its further applications in the field of medical health. The Wireless Palm ECG Monitor is ready for the time being.

  • 【分类号】TH772
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】357

