

【作者】 彭向华

【导师】 吴志华;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 政治学理论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 上海城市社区建设开始于20世纪80年代中期,如果说早期的城市社区建设主要着眼于社区服务,那么现在的城市建设正转向以社区自治为突破口,以社区组织特别是自治组织建设为重点的推动社区事业全方位发展的新阶段。在这一转变过程中,如何处理政府与社会的关系、治理与自治的关系、传统与现代的关系,是继续深化我国城市社区建设的关键。因此,探索一条真正适合中国国情的有效的城市社区建设之路,发展建设一批功能健全的自治组织是上海基层政治体制改革的重要任务。本文以长寿路街道改革原居委会组织,建设和发展社区自治组织特别是民间组织的个案为基础,以作者在街道一年的调查研究内容为主体,分析社区自治理论在实践中的成效和困境,以期在促进城市社区建设上提供一些借鉴。 论文的引言部分对选题的缘起、目的、意义以及研究方法作了简要说明,同时也界定了文中涉及的一些重要的研究概念;正文的第一章主要是介绍我国城市社区转型的背景和进程,分社区建设的兴起、管理体制的改革、居委会自治实践三个阶段介绍了我国社区发展的主要历程;第二章主要是介绍了上海长寿路街道社区自治在组织体制,运行规则和民间组织发展等方面的发展现状;第三章作者对街道社区自治现阶段存在一些问题进行了深刻剖析;第四章是在分析问题的基础上对城市社区自治发展提出了一些可行的改进意见,希望能帮助我们的基层社会尽快实现真正的自治。 在论文的结束语部分,笔者回顾了论文的主要观点,认为社区自治是城市基层组织建设的一种趋势所在,随着理论与实践的不断发展,真正意义上的自治社区会在我国政治民主化的大潮中不断涌现。

【Abstract】 The development of Shanghai’s urban community building began from the middle of 80’s last century. If say the developments of the earlier period pay attention to community serving, now turning the direction to community autonomy, specially to autonomous department. In the change the key is how to handle the relations which includes government and society, management and autonomy, tradition and modern etc. So it is important thing for us to find a right way that is suitable for China. This thesis regards the reforms of changshou road as an example and analysis the feasibility about the theories of the community autonomy in practice. I wish the thesis can give some suggest for the developments of urban community building.The preface part of the thesis starts from the rise of the question, explains the purpose and research method of community autonomy research and also definite the research concept in the text. The first chapter emphasizes on the background and process of urban community autonomy, the process is divided into three stages: the rise of community building, the reform of the management system and the autonomy practice of resident to introducing the community development in our country. The second chapter introduces the present condition of the community autonomy in changshou road. Including the organizational relation, the rule of the circulating and the development of NGOs. The third chapter deeply analyzes the problems to hider the development of community autonomy in the present stage in changshou road. The fourth Chapter gives some advice about the community autonomy to realize the real autonomy in our grass- roots society.in the last Chapter ,the writer review the thesis’s main standpoint, think the community autonomy is a trend to the development of grassroots society. Along with the development of theories and practice, the real autonomy will appear in the tide of the political democratization.

  • 【分类号】C916
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】541

