

【作者】 元琴

【导师】 徐光兴;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 当今世界正处在信息时代,信息产业已经成为我国国民经济新的增长点。随着信息产业的迅猛发展,IT员工,作为信息技术和信息产业的承载者,其职业压力问题日益凸现。本研究对IT员工的职业压力进行调查和干预,将为IT员工缓解职业压力、提高身心健康水平提供途径,为IT企业建立充满生机和活力的员工队伍、获取更高经济效益创造条件,对我国信息产业发展、国民经济和社会信息化进程推进具有积极的意义。 本研究有以下三方面的目的: 第一,了解IT员工的职业压力状况,考察职业压力源、压力症状及两者之间的内在联系; 第二,以放松训练为基础,设计一套放松训练干预程序,并探讨其对IT员工职业压力干预的效果; 第三,根据上述两项研究成果,对IT员工职业压力的干预提出一些建议。 研究结果表明: IT员工职业压力来自多方面因素,根据其所带来的压力从大到小依次排列为:职业发展、工作需求、组织结构、角色应激、人际关系。职业压力给员工带来了焦虑、抑郁、敌对敏感以及生理健康方面的症状。职业发展、工作需求、人际关系对IT员工的压力症状有良好的预测作用。 本研究设计的放松训练干预程序对IT员工的焦虑、抑郁、敌对敏感和生理健康水平有显著的改善作用,对IT员工的职业压力产生了积极的影响。 最后,提出对IT员工职业压力干预的建议:第一,IT员工应增强压力意识,加强自我保健;第二,IT企业应积极采取措施,减少职业压力源;第三,开展员工援助计划。

【Abstract】 During the past few years, there is a rapid development in information technology, which is playing an important role in the national economy. As the carrier of the information technology and information industry, IT employees suffer from more and more symptoms brought by occupational stress.The purpose of this study is to a) discover the occupational stressors and symptoms of IT employees, exam the relationship of them, b) design a stress intervention program based on relaxation training and exam the effect of the program, c) put forward some advices about stress intervention for IT employees.The results indicate that:Stress in IT employees comes from many factors, which is sorted by descending order: career development, job demands, organizational structure, role characteristics and interpersonal relationship. The symptoms of stress include anxiety, depression, hostility, sensitivity and physical health. According to the regression model, the stressors of career development, job demands and interpersonal relationship can predict the stress symptoms very well for IT employees.After intervention with relaxation training program, the anxiety, hostility, sensitivity and depression level decreased and physical health were improved in treatment group as compared with the control group.Some suggestions about stress intervention were put forward: a) IT employees should know more about stress and take preventive measures, b) IT enterprises should take actions to reduce stressors. c) implement Employee Assistance Plan

  • 【分类号】B845
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】799

