

【作者】 陈云儿

【导师】 吴庆麟;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 通过设置对照组的方法,比较合作学习与传统学习这两种学习方式对样例学习效果的影响,并通过分析合作学习过程中的对话,考察合作学习样例的过程和机制。研究结果表明: 1、从总体上来看,合作学习班和传统授课班的学生在近迁移和远迁移问题上的成绩都存在显著差异。合作学习的方式优于传统方式。 2、在近迁移问题上,合作学习班和传统授课班的好生之间不存在显著差异,中等生之间也不存在显著差异;而差生之间差异显著,合作学习样例的方式更有效。 3、在远迁移问题上,合作学习班和传统授课班的中等生之间不存在显著差异,差生之间也不存在显著差异;而好生之间差异显著,合作学习样例的方式更有效。 4、引发学生产生应答行为的话语(即合作性话语)贯穿了合作学习样例的整个过程,而且绝大多数由合作小组的组长产生。 5、合作性话语引发的行为可以大致分为五类,即寻找信息,交流答案、交流解题过程及原理、思考、联系旧知识。其中能引发第三、第四类行为的话语占了总数的70%。 6、前两类合作性话语引发的行为没有生成新的观念;后三类合作性话语促使学生对样例进行深入加工,从而生成新的意义和观念并形成完善的理解,这三类话语是导致合作学习方式优于个体单独学习的根本原因所在。 7、小组成员回答不出讨论中的提问是合作学习中常见的一种现象,这能促使成员对样例进行深加工,并有助于及早发现和弥补知识缺陷。 8、成员的个性特征影响了他们参与合作讨论的主动性,长期磨合使组长有意识地均衡成员的参与。

【Abstract】 In this study, the effects of two learning-from-example styles , cooperative learning and traditional learning, on problem solving were examined. In order to discover the process and mechanism of learning-from-example in a cooperative way the conversations videotaped in cooperative learning were also analyzed . The results have shown:1. As a whole, cooperative and traditional learning styles lead to significant performance difference on both near-transfer and far-transfer problems. Cooperative learning style produces better performance than the traditional one does.2. On near-transfer problems, there is no significant performance difference in the groups of above-average and average students respectfully in experiment and control conditions. However, for below-average students cooperative learning-from-example is more effective.3. On far-transfer problems, there is no significant performance difference in the groups of average and below-average students respectfully in experiment and control conditions. However, for above-average students cooperative learning-from-example is more effective.4. Cooperative arguments which lead to responses from members play a critic role in the whole process of learning from examples. They are mainly initiated by the group leader.5. Actions led by the cooperative arguments can be divided into five categories, that is, searching for information, exchanging answers, exchanging procedures and principles of problem solving, thinking, associating learned knowledge.6. The first two kinds of arguments didn’t produced new ideas. The third and fourth kinds account for 70% of all, and together with the last kind, these three kinds of cooperative arguments encourage the students to deep process examples. As a result, new ideas and integrated understanding are achieved.7. It is a common phenomenon that some members cannot answer the questions raised in the discussion. This phenomenon encourages students to deep process examples. At the same time knowledge flaws can be discovered and made up shortly.8. The personality of members influence their initiative of taking part in the discussion, group leaders should balance the participation of members on purpose..

  • 【分类号】B842
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】518

