

【作者】 刘欣

【导师】 徐光兴;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究系统的阐述了美国心理学家埃里克·伯恩(Eric Berne)创立的沟通分析理论(Transactional Analysis,TA)的形成背景与发展历史及其基本框架;分析了沟通分析理论在国内外的应用现状及存在问题;提出在大学生心理健康教育中应用的研究构想。 本研究对大学生进行调查,编制了大学生自我心态图(EGOSTATE)问卷,内在一致性系数为0.7129;根据546名大学生的数据结果,把原始分数转化为标准分数,分析出大学生的自我心态图的9种典型类型:开朗型、苦闷型、任劳任怨型、自我主张型、合理型、矛盾型、压抑型、幼稚性、平凡型。性别、生源地、是否学生干部、不同专业的方差检验有显著性差异。对20名大学生进行了团体心理辅导,通过16PF、SCL-90、EGOSTATE、主观量表、活动心得及访谈,结果发现团体心理辅导对学生的个性健康发展、维护心理健康均有显著性效果。其中,16PF问卷中聪慧性、敢为性、自律性、稳定性、敏感性、忧虑性、紧张性7项人格因素及“适应与焦虑因素”、“内向与外向型因素”、“新环境中有成长能力的个性因素”、“心理健康因素”4项相关因素有显著性改善;SCL-90症状问卷中的各项症状得分的平均数及标准差进行比较分析可以看出此次团体辅导显示了阳性总均分有显著差异,除敌对症状无明显改变以外其余9项症状有显著性改善;通过对辅导前后自我图问卷中的五种心态得分的平均数及标准差进行比较分析可以看出此次团体辅导显示了教养型父母心态、成人心态、自由性儿童心态有显著性改善;心理适应性有显著性改善。此外,还运用沟通分析理论对学生进行个别心理咨询,起到良好效果。 本研究研究成果促进了我国大学生心理健康教育工作,创建一个大学生心理健康教育的有效的途径,研究的方法和思路也值得中小学心理健康教育工作者的参考和借鉴。

【Abstract】 The current study systemically elaborates the background; develop history and frame of the Transactional Analysis Theory that was brought forward by Eric Berne. It also analyzes the application actuality and existing problems of this theory domestically and abroad.This study investigated many undergraduates, and developed a undergraduates’ Ego State Questionnaire. The crosscheck of internal consistency showed a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.7129 for the 546 college students. After translating original scores into standard scores, we concluded 9 types of college students’ego state: optimistic, distressed, considerate, egocentric, reasonable, contradictory, stubborn, infantile, . characterless. What’s more, we found that there are significant differences in gender position and major. We implemented group consultation for 20 undergraduates, and tested them with 16PF SCL-90 Ego State and Subjective Questionnaire. Furthermore, we also let them discuss about their achievement. Finally, we found that the group consultation had significant effects on students’ personality development and mental health. There are great improvements on B, H, Q3, C, I, O, Q4 Factors in 16PF and on other 4 factors, including "adaptive and anxious factor", "introversive and extroversive factor", "the ability to grow up in new environment factor", "mental health factor". From the result of the SCL-90 Syndrome Questionnaire, we found there are significant differences both on verage total score and each factor, except hostility syndrome. We tested them by the Undergraduates’ Ego State Questionnaire before and after the group consultation, from the result of which we found that this group consultation significantly improved Nurturing Parent, Adult and Free Child states. Moreover, we used Transactional Analysis Theory for student’s individual consultation, which had got good effects.The result of the current study enhanced the undergraduates’ mental health education in our country, and exploited an effective access for undergraduates’ mental health education. Further more, it is worthwhile for mental health education operators to use the methods and idea of this research for reference.

  • 【分类号】B844.2
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1279

