

【作者】 周伟伟

【导师】 陈爱平;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 政治学理论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着人才市场中供大于求的矛盾越来越突出,我国的就业歧视愈演愈烈,花招频出,严重影响了求职者的求职信心,受到了越来越多的关注,已经演变成为一个严重的社会问题。作为一个社会问题,就业歧视所带来的不良影响不仅牵涉到受歧视的求职者,而且波及到整个社会,人们的平等观念、法律观念、自尊观念都因此而受到了严重的冲击,这大大减缓了社会向文明进军的速度。面对这样一种严重的社会弊病,社会各个领域理应担负起时代赋予的使命,寻找缓解就业歧视的途径和方法。 本文共分四章: 第一章,列举当前就业歧视的各种表现形式。当前就业歧视产生了许多“新招数”,性别歧视、地域歧视、年龄歧视、残疾歧视司空见惯,奇怪的是,连体重、相貌、血型、星座、姓氏等都成为一些用人单位选拔人才的标准,就业歧视的表现形式趋向于多样化,更加隐蔽、灵活。 第二章,阐述了关于已有的就业歧视方面的研究理论。就业歧视问题不仅在我国存在,在其他国家同样存在,而且是由来已久的,经济学家、社会学家对此早已有相关的研究。本章阐述了这些研究的理论成果,为以下各章奠定了基础。 第三章,从文化、制度方面分析了当前就业歧视产生的深刻根源。任何一个社会问题,其存在和发展必然有各方面的原因,深层次地剖析这些原因对于问题的解决至关重要。本章在第二章的基础上,结合我国的实际,从传统文化、现代企业文化以及法律、制度等角度对我国当前就业歧视的主要原因作了系统、全面的分析。 第四章,对比分析了美国在就业歧视方面有关的法律。就业歧视虽然涉及到一个社会的文化和各种制度,但它首先是一个法律问题,对其进行规范,法律是首要的、直接的手段。本章选择了一个典型的西方发达国家——美国,将其法律制度与我国进行比较,找出可供借鉴之处。 第五章,探索了缓解我国就业歧视问题的几点对策。就业歧视是一个“社会综合症”,其缓解需要社会各种力量的全面参与和共同努力。

【Abstract】 In recent years, as the contradiction of supply outstripping demand in talent market began to stand out, the recruitment discrimination, which has become a serious social problem, not only has significant influence upon job applicants, but arouses a growing public concern. Consequently the side effects resulting from this social problem not only bring trouble to biased job applicants, but have a negative effect on the whole society, where people’s viewpoints toward equality, law and self-esteem have been considerably affected, leading to a much slowed social civilization process. Confronted with such a solemn social weakness, people from all social fields are supposed to assume the mission of finding solutions to lessened recruitment discrimination bestowed upon by times.This thesis is composed of four chapters:Chapter One shows the various forms that emerge in current recruitment discrimination. In contrast to a developing economy, a society in progress, and gradually improved cultural and legal awareness on the public’s part, recruitment discrimination, instead of being lessened, give rise to many a new form among which such personal features as weight, appearance, blood type, constellation and surname have a share in a number of companies’ criteria set for job applicants, in addition to the common gender, regional, age and handicap discrimination encountered in job hunting.Chapter Two reviews some existing research theories in recruitment discrimination, which is actually a deep-rooted problem not only in china but in other countries. As it has been long since economists and socialists conducted relevant researches in this field, this chapter reviews this theoretical research results to make preparations for the following chapters.Chapter three traces back to the origins of current recruitment discrimination from its cultural and institutional sources. All social problems do not exist without reasons and it is of paramount importance for the solution of recruitment discrimination to analyse its nature and trace back to its causes. Based on theories concerning labour market discrimination in western labour economies, a systematic and comprehensive analysis ismade about the main causes accountable for the current recruitment discrimination from such perspectives as traditional culture, modern enterprise culture as well as law and institutions, in combination with reality in China.Chapter Four launches a comparative analysis of laws laid down for regulating recruitment discrimination in China and America. Though the culture of a society and its various institutions are involved in the occurrence of recruitment discrimination, the solution of which is of first importance a legal issue. A typical western developed country-America is selected for the comparison of legal systems with China.In Chapter Five, some proposals are suggested in solving recruitment discrimination in China, the occurrence of which is the results of various social factors, and whose solution demands full participation and joint efforts from all over the society.

【关键词】 就业歧视招聘
【Key words】 recruitmentdiscrimination
  • 【分类号】F241.4
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】2334

