

【作者】 徐丽馨

【导师】 漆瑗;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在中国当代文坛上,王安忆的努力和成就有目共睹,她创作力旺盛,而且创作一直有变化。其中发生于九十年代中期的创作转变在王安忆的数次变化中具有重要的意义,随着创作的变化,她的小说观愈发明确,探索到适合自己的小说写法,为她的精神思想找到了合适的艺术载体,而她创作中的某些特质也由此彰显,形成一次成功的创作转变。 本文将以此次创作转变为题,分别描述其转变前后的创作,对王安忆的全程创作进行比较研究后,凸显转变后创作的特点,进而探讨转变的多方面原因。而本文最终要做的还是从变化中寻出不变来,发掘作家本身的独特性,并探讨她对文坛的独特贡献。 第一章是对转变之前创作的论述,这是不断探索、风格多变的创作阶段。将这个跨度很大的创作时期分几个创作阶段展开分析,描述转变之前的创作风貌,然后总结转变之前的创作特点,即审美目光关注色彩强烈、醒目的事物;对叙述方式的重视。这种多变的状态正是王安忆不断探索适合自己的写作方式的结果。 第二章以王安忆小说的几个主要特点串起对转变以来创作的论述,这是经过否定之否定的写实阶段。其特点为:审美目光转向常态的人和事;写实基础上的提升;艺术技巧的归于平淡。在论述过程中注重与转变前创作的对比,突出“转变”的内涵。转变后的创作是在原有创作基础上的发展,因此,可寻出变中之不变,而这正是作家创作独特性之所在。 第三章探讨创作转变的原因,分别从九十年代初期营造“精神之塔”的艰辛,社会现实的影响以及作家艺术观的变化发展三方面展开论述。第一点是导致她创作转变的直接原因;第二点论述了她为什么会在世纪之交这个特殊的时代发生变化;第三点艺术观的发展变化是作家创作转变的根本原因。 第四章论述了王安忆九十年代中期的创作转变的意义,分别论述了创作转变对她本人的意义和对当代文坛创作的意义。这次转变标志着作家寻到了一种适合自己的小说写法,而她独特的文学气质也由此彰显。转变后的创作为文坛提供了文学“再现”现实的一种写作方式,也倡导了一种纯正的艺术品味,这对当代文坛创作来讲绝对是一种贡献。

【Abstract】 In the contemporary literary world of China, Wang Anyi’s efforts and achievement in writing are well known to all. She not only writes vigorously, but also changes her style constantly. Among all the Wang’s conversions in style, the change happened in the middle period of the 1990s is important. With the change in creating, her view of novel becomes more and more clear. She explores a suitable style for herself, and has found a proper artistic carrier that embodies some characteristics of her creation for her spirit.This paper focuses on Wang Anyi’s conversions in style and analyses the writings before and after these conversions separately. Hence the characteristics of her writings after her conversion are shown in this paper after a comparative research on the whole works of Wang Anyi. However, the aim of this paper is to find something unchanged in Wang’s changes, and to seek her own uniqueness and her remarkable achievements to Chinese contemporary literature.Chapter one analyses the works before Wang’s conversion. This period is an exploring and various in style stage for Wang Anyi. This wide span creating period of Wang is divided into several create stages to analyse in the paper, then it sums up her writing characteristics before conversion, namely her aesthetic interest focuses on the things which are color strong and eye-catching, and the narrating way.Chapter two carries out the description of the creation after Wang’s conversion by analyzing several main characteristics of her novels. These characteristics are Wang’s aesthetic sight converted to the persons and things of normality, the increase of realism in her works, and simple writing skills.Chapter three probes into the reasons for Wang’s conversion from the three aspects of the hardships of building "the tower of spirit" since the early stage of the 1990s, the influence of society reality and the change and development of Wang’s artistic view.Chapter four expounds the meaning of Wang’s creating conversion in the middle period of the 1990s, and further discusses the meaning of conversion to herself and to Chinese contemporary literature.

  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】501

