

Education: The Window of Hope That Human Beings Keep Away from Disaster

【作者】 马爱民

【导师】 吴刚;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 艾滋病在全球蔓延的速度十分惊人,现在已经很少有国家能置身世外,避开这场灾难。艾滋病对个人、家庭、社会乃至全世界所造成的毁灭性影响远非人类历史上任何一次瘟疫或战争所能比拟。中国目前艾滋病感染的形势也十分严峻,如果不及早下大力气开展防治工作的话,中国在不远的将来会成为全球艾滋病感染人数最多的国家,遭受灭顶之灾。 目前尚未有一种药物和疫苗可以根治艾滋病,唯一有效的策略就是预防。开展艾滋病教育,让学生获得科学而系统的有关艾滋病防治的知识和信息,引导他们形成健康的生活方式,洁身自好,或许才是最根本的预防措施。 本文共分为四个部分: 第一部分探讨了教育与艾滋病之间的关系,旨在揭示:教育系统在抗击艾滋病的斗争中应该而且能够扮演重要角色,而不能置身世外; 第二部分介绍了美国、乌干达和泰国艾滋病感染状况及其开展艾滋病教育的实践及经验。之所以选取这三个国家是因为:美国是全世界最早发现艾滋病病例的国家,也是开展艾滋病教育较早且较有成效的国家,其代表了发达国家在开展艾滋病教育方面的一些经验;乌干达地处撒哈拉以南非洲,曾是世界上感染艾滋病最严重的国家之一,经过不懈的努力,在开展艾滋病教育方面取得了很大成就;泰国是中国的近邻,是亚洲地区感染最严重的国家之一,其艾滋病预防和教育工作也成效显著,堪称亚洲表率。后两个国家都是发展中国家的代表,其经验和教训更值得中国借鉴。 第三部分介绍了中国艾滋病感染的现状,总结了以往中国在开展艾滋病教育方面的努力,最后分析了存在的主要问题。 最后一部分针对中国在开展艾滋病教育方面存在的主要问题,并借鉴国外的实践和经验,提出了中国在加强和完善艾滋病教育方面应采取的一些对策,以供参考。

【Abstract】 The HIV/AIDS epidemic is spreading so rapidly in the world that very few countries can keep it out. The ruined effect of HIV/AIDS on individual, family, society, and even the whole world is far more serious than that of any other plague or war in human history. The present situation of HIV/AIDS epidemic is very grim in China, too. If China don’t take more efforts to prevent and thus keep it under control as early as possible, it will be most likely that the number of people living with AIDS in China is the globally highest in the near future.Till now, no medicine and vaccine can eradicate AIDS, therefore prevention is the only effective strategy. Delivering AIDS education to let people acquire scientific and systematic knowledge and information about AIDS, and to direct people to adopt a healthy lifestyle and refuse to be contaminated by evil influence, is perhaps the most fundamental measure of prevention.This dissertation consists of the following four parts:In the first part, the relationship between education and HIV/AIDS is explored to reveal that educational system should be and is able to play an important role in fighting against AIDS epidemic, instead of staying aloof from the fight.In the second part, the situation of AIDS epidemic in the United State of America, Uganda and Thailand and their practices and experience in delivering AIDS education are introduced and analyzed. The reason why these three countries are selected is that: the United States is the country where the world’s first AIDS case was reported and that delivered AIDS prevention education pretty early and has made great progress, representing the experience from developed countries in AIDS education; Uganda located in Sub-Sahara Africa was once among the countries where the situations of AIDS epidemic were the most serious yet the nation has made great progress in AIDS education after endless efforts; Thailand that lies in Southeast Asia is one of the countries where the situation of AIDS epidemic is the most serious in Asia and has made remarkable success in fight against AIDS, thereby setting a good example for Asian countries. Because the latter two countries are both representatives of developing countries, there is much of their experience that China can learn and make use of.In the third part, the present situation of AIDS epidemic in China is introduced, and Chinese efforts in AIDS education are summarized and reviewed.Finally, in view of the main problems in Chinese AIDS education and referring to the practices and experience from foreign countries, some countermeasures for China to promote AIDS education are provided for reference.

【关键词】 艾滋病教育学校课程
【Key words】 HIV/AIDSEducationSchoolCurricula
  • 【分类号】G40
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】297

