

【作者】 庄瑜

【导师】 吴刚;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文从社会学角度出发,整合国内外学者对社会资本理论的论述,界定社会资本理论的基本概念、本质意义。从中国文化背景角度出发,梳理具有中国特色的社会资本理论概念和研究意义。 在理论研究的基础上,提出适用教育领域的新概念——学生社会资本,并对其内容做了概括和说明。为研究学生社会资本与学业成就的相互关系,特设计“学生社会资本与学业成就的互动研究”调查问卷(分中学和大学),在大学、中学内做调查及个别访谈。在此基础上,进行数据分析,得出学生社会资本对学业成就影响的归因以及学业成就对学生社会资本影响的归因,提出能够取得正向影响的方法和策略,同时,插入实例作一步说明。 本文研究分为四部分: 第一部分从社会学角度,梳理并系统地阐述了国内外学者对社会资本理论的分析、运用,并就现代社会资本理论的主要应用领域做了说明; 第二部分是在中国特殊文化背景条件下,社会资本理论的本土化含义和特征,并举例说明社会资本理论在中国的运用; 第三部分以中国上海的中学生、大学生为例,进行关于“学生社会资本与学业成就的互动关系”的问卷调查,在数据统计的基础上,分析学生社会资本与学业成就的互动关系; 第四部分就如何通过增加学生社会资本来提高学业成就提供方法和建议。

【Abstract】 From the aspect of sociology, this thesis gives the definition and essential meaning of social capital with the combination of the achievements of the overseas and domestic researchers. It also indicates the concept and research meaning of social capital in the character of China from the point of view of Chinese culture.Based on the theory, this thesis creates a new concept in the field of education, which is called "Social Capital of Student". It sums up the meaning. In order to know more about the relationship between the social capital of student and student achievement, some questionnaires are designed, which are divided into "Middle School" and "University". During the investigation, they are made to do some personal interviews in an effort to have the meaningful cases. After that, these datum of the questionnaires are analyzed so as to come to a right conclusion about the bi-directional relationship between the social capital of student and student achievement.This thesis is divided into four parts:In the first part, it gives the definition and essential meaning of social capital with the combination of the achievements of the overseas and domestic researchers and shows the uses of social capital in various kinds of fields.In the second part, it indicates the concept and research meaning ofsocial capital from the point of view of Chinese culture and gives the examples of social capital in China.In the third part, it does some investigation in the range of students in Shanghai (mainly middle school and universities). Based on the datum of questionnaires, it analyses the bi-directional relationship between the social capital of student and student achievement.In the last part is the conclusion. It gives out the advice and ways, which helps to improve student achievement by the reinforcements of the social capital of student.

  • 【分类号】G455
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】735

