

【作者】 王淑芹

【导师】 王斌华;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 随着社会的发展和时代的进步,各国对本国公民素质的要求也相应提高,公民教育因此成为世界范围内的热门话题。我国因为脱胎于漫长的封建专制制度,因此在公民教育问题上具有显而易见的“先天不足”。面临世界范围内“全球化”趋势的日益临近和二十一世纪国家现代化发展的紧迫需要,我国应该注重吸收世界其他国家在公民教育问题上的先进经验和做法,从而培养出符合当今国际发展潮流的新型“世界公民”。本论文以此为着眼点,重点探讨美国、英国和新加坡三国的中小学公民教育课程实施模式及其特点,以期为我国目前正在兴起的中小学公民教育课程实践提供有益启示和借鉴。 本论文共分为三个部分。 第一部分可以分成两个部分。首先探讨我国开设中小学公民教育课程的必要性。因为传统因素的影响,我国对学校公民教育问题的重视一直不够,甚至到目前为止我国中小学仍没有目的明确的公民教育课程设置。因此论文开篇首先探讨在我国开设公民教育课程的必要性问题,其目的是为下面研究的顺利展开做一铺垫,同时表明在我国开设中小学公民教育课程的时代意义。其次,在本部分内容里,还对有关学校公民教育的本质问题做了简单介绍,以便为研究的顺利进行扫除概念理解方面的障碍。 第二部分着重对美国、英国和新加坡的中小学公民教育课程实施模式进行详细介绍,并对其各自的特点进行了全面的分析和比较,这是本论文的主体部分。 第三部分主要是对我国中小学公民教育课程实施模式的现状透析和建议。本部分内容首先在回顾我国中小学公民教育课程实施模式历史做法的基础上,针对目前的中小学生年龄特点和可接受能力,对中小学公民教育相关课程实施模式进行了简单分析,并在此基础上为我国公民教育课程的改革和发展提出几点建议。

【Abstract】 With the social development and progress, the increasing requirement on citizens of various nationalities is seemingly becoming a necessity and thus the issue of civic education is gradually becoming a heated topic in the world. Originated from the feudal social system, China has some obvious drawbacks in its civic education. To meet the needs of the trend of globalization and Chinese modern development, we should try to learn from the advanced experience and appropriate practices of other nations in civic education, hoping to cultivate qualified citizens as well as so-called "world citizens". Based on this perspective, the paper mainly explores the curriculum implementation models of civic education and their characteristics in primary and secondary schools of the USA, the UK and Singapore, in order to get valuable implications on our national civic education practices.The whole paper consists of three parts.The first part is divided into two categories. Firstly, the author presents the necessity of setting up the curriculum of civic education in China. Influenced by the social tradition, we have neglected the problem of civic education in China to such a degree that up to now there is no clear civic education curriculum. To set up civic education curriculum now in our country, therefore, is a must and of great importance. Secondly, the essence of civic education carried in schools is introduced.The second part, the essential part of this paper, focuses on the narration of the different implementation models of civic education in the USA, the UK and Singapore and the analysis and comparison on their own characteristics.The third part concentrates on the current situation of the national curriculum implementation of civic education and puts forward some suggestions. Based on the retrospect of the historical practices in our primary and secondary schools, the author analyzes civic education in schools and its related curriculum implementation models and thereby put forward pieces of advice on the reform and development of civic education curriculum in our country.

  • 【分类号】G631
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】1368

