

【作者】 赵宏

【导师】 黄志成;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着物质生活水平的提高,人们对精神生活的要求也越来越高。休闲成为个人生活、成长中重要的一部分,休闲教育以提高人们的生活质量为目的,具有终身教育的意义。 进行休闲教育是社会历史发展的必然结果,是社会现状的强烈要求;学校是进行休闲教育的重要阵地,学校休闲教育是实施素质教育的重要环节;休闲教育将是每个人都应接受的教育,应与职业教育共同构筑终身教育的体系;休闲教育应当逐步被规划到学校正规课程中来,这是本论文提出的主要观点。 论文共分为六个部分: 第一部分是引言,交待了论文研究的背景意义、国内外研究现状和研究的方法。由于我国对休闲和休闲教育理论研究才刚刚开始,因此对国外的研究现状给予了重点介绍。同时,由于世界休闲研究机构及其政策的重要性,故单独做了详细介绍。 第二部分是休闲和休闲教育的概述。对休闲和休闲教育概念作了剖析和归纳,目的在于引导人们正确认识休闲和休闲教育,关注人性的完满发展。 第三部分是中西方休闲教育历史和现状的说明与比较。通过历史的梳理,使读者对休闲教育的发展脉络有一个清晰的认识。通过中西方的对比,看出休闲教育中西方自古有之,只是到了近现代,西方对休闲的关注和研究要远远超出了我们。 第四部分主要是对学校休闲教育的模式进行了研究。提出了学校休闲教育的理想模式,即在正规课程中实施渗透式及独立式的课程教学模式和学校休闲咨询的模式,并介绍了这些模式各自的特点和适用范围。 第五部分从课程教学方面进行了休闲教育课程内容及阶段性、课程目标的设置、课程评价的方法和休闲教育师资与培训的研究。从微观的层面解析了休闲教育在课程教学中的操作性。 第六部分从学校休闲教育实施的意义、条件、原则方面分析了我国学校实施休闲教育的可行性,并指出了今后学校休闲教育发展的趋势。

【Abstract】 With the improvement of material life, people require for more high-qualified spiritual life. Leisure and recreation have been the crucial important part of individual’s common life and growth, and leisure education, in order to improve quality of life, has life-long meaning.To implement leisure education, which is the definite result of society development, embodies the strong requirements of current social conditions. School is the principle arena for leisure education, which is the main component of quality education. Leisure education constructs the life-long education along with vocational education and every one should accept it. Leisure education should be programmed into the regular curriculum. Also, it is the main point of this thesis.This paper composes of six parts as following:The first is introduction. In this part, the paper addresses the background, foreign and domestic study and methodology. As the leisure education study just starts up in China, the introduction puts emphases on the foreign studies in this area. At the same time, I presented worldwide leisure research institutions and their policy in detail and separately due to their importance for leisure education.The second part is summarization of leisure and leisure education. In this part, I anatomise and sum up the definitions of leisure and leisure education, and aim to people understand the leisure and leisure education correctly and attend to the humanistic development entirely.The following part is the explanations and comparisons of historic and current status in China and West. Readers can learn the development of leisure and leisure education clearly by hackling their histories. By comparison of leisure education in China and in West, we find that leisure education has a long history either in China or in West. Only from contemporary and modern time, however, it obtains more focuses in West than in China.In the fourth section, the thesis analyses the models of school leisure education. The aspiring models are mentioned, they are, infusion model and single subject model in formal curriculum, and consultation model in school leisure education. The characters and application ranges of these models are also stated.The fifth section comments the research in phases of curriculum of leisure education, set-ups of curriculum objective, evaluation of curriculum and training programmes of leisure education teachers from the aspect of curriculum teaching.In the last section, we analyse the possibility of implementing leisure education in China from the meaning, terms, and principles of school leisure education, and point out its trends in the future.

【关键词】 学校休闲教育课程
【Key words】 SchoolLeisure EducationCurriculum
  • 【分类号】G424
  • 【被引频次】38
  • 【下载频次】1313

