

【作者】 钱雅欣

【导师】 傅惠生;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 许渊冲是中国现当代翻译家中的杰出代表,他翻译了大量的中国古代诗歌作品,为传播中国文化,提高中国文学在世界范围内的地位做出了巨大的贡献。许先生的翻译理论建立在文学翻译的实践基础之上,一方面继承了中国传统翻译思想中的美学观念和艺术追求,提出了三美,三似,三化和三之理论,同时提出了三势论和文化竞赛论等理论。新的理论创新强调了译文超越原文的可能性和必然性。作为一个专业译者,许氏理论强调的是译者的自觉意识和创作权利,这和以“信”为本,强调译者义务的主流翻译理论构成了不同意见,但是随着翻译学科作为一门独立学科的轮廓日渐清晰,学科的自身壮大和译者地位的日渐提高,关注译者和译本以及译文读者在翻译过程中所起到的积极作用和巨大影响成为翻译理论研究的大势所趋,因为译者不仅仅有忠实于原作的义务也有自身的创作权利。这是许氏翻译思想的形成基础,他代表了翻译工作者对于翻译过程中表达自由和创作权利的追求,反映了翻译理论中的理想化标准在文学诗歌翻译中难以实现,所以对于许渊冲的理论思想和理论体系的研究为我们进一步研究译者的创作权利以及翻译学科的独立性提供了具体的案例,是一个有益翻译学科发展的课题。本文对许先生的理论进行了系统的总结,并提出从新的更为宏观的角度来看待许氏理论在历史和文化中发挥的作用。许先生的大量翻译是在八十年代中国文化热的时代要求下完成的,作为一个非母语译者他既具备作为一个原文母语者在理解过程中的优势又面临着作为一个非母语译者在译语表达中的弱势地位,如何解决这样的矛盾以及面对对中国文化不甚了解的译语读者如何引起他们的接受兴趣,保留原语作品独特的“异国风情”和“原汁原味”,许先生的翻译思想和理论体系为我们进行了合理和大胆的解释,同时为我们提供了宝贵的实践经验和技巧。在总结和分析的基础上本文提出了许渊冲翻译思想理论的特色,在文学诗歌翻译的实践范围内,译者对译本和译文读者发挥着积极的作用,这种作用可以大于原文自身价值对译文和译文读者的期望和影响而成为决定性的力量。所以翻译的难题就不再限制于译者的立场和态度,翻译标准的争论也不是最为重要的,重要的是译者如何将原文的优势和弱势全部向有利于译文和译文读者的方向转化以及这一过程中译者的转化技巧和创作经验。最后本文结合许先生汉译外的实践,提出汉语的语言特殊性不适合套用西方的理论体系,否则很难解决汉译外过程中的一些具体问题,使得两种语言之间的差异难以向有利于译文和译语读者的方向转化,成为阻碍译文被译语读者接受的弱势因素。所以我们要有选择地对待西方译论体系,建立符合汉译外特色的翻译理论体系。

【Abstract】 Professor Xu Yuanchong, often known as X.Y.Z. in his published translations, is an outstanding translator in the late 20th century. He has made great contribution to the spread of Chinese literature to the rest of the world and his translations are accepted with recognition and respect. Based on his extensive practices and experiences, Professor Xu puts forward systematic theories on translation, a synthesis of traditional translation theories in China from ancient times and his own creative insights. His theories emphasize the concept of "beauty" and the right of a translator to create on his own in addition to his duty of faithfulness to the source text. According to Professor Xu, the possibility of a translation to surpass the original text does exist and is becoming an inevitable trend as translation is developing into an independent subject and translators are gaining due status in the literary field. The author of this thesis makes a thorough study of Professor Xu’s theories and delves into its background to understand how his theories took shape. Most of Xu’s translations are carried out in the early eighties in the past century, when Chinese culture studies was a popular and attractive topic in the western world. As a non-native speaker of English, Professor Xu has the advantage of understanding the source text better but at the same time he is often challenged for his language skills and cultural knowledge. In his theories Xu provides us with techniques of how to convert the difficulties in translation into advantages with abundant examples. In fact his identity as a non-native translator is usually offset by the alien beauty and language preserved in his translation, which evokes great interest among target readers. Therefore a successful translation does not depend on the faithfulness of a translator but the translator’s own abilities to create an audience that may outnumber the audience in the source text and meet the expectation of the original writer in a disloyal way. To endow the translators with freedom to think and create independently in addition to their bound duties does not mean to sacrifice their responsibilities of faithfulness; on the contrary, it helps the translators to better accomplish their tasks as a global communicators and cultural envoys. This thesis is divided into four chapters. In the first chapter, the author introduces the background of Professor Xu’s theories and the meaning and importance of studies on his theories. The second chapter is a conclusion of Professor Xu’s theories combined with critical analysis. The third chapter evaluates Xu’s theories from new perspectives and describes historic and cultural status to Xu’s theories. The last chapterhighlights the features and essence of Xu’s theories and what we can learn from his theories. Professor Xu is a typical representative of the new generation of translators after the May 4th Movement period. This study of his theories can help us to understand the development of translation theories in contemporary China.

  • 【分类号】I046
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】3603

