

【作者】 曹婕琼

【导师】 方俊明;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 特殊教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 辨别声音是人类学习语言的第一步,无论是口语交流还是文字阅读都包含了这一过程。视觉障碍儿童的听觉比较灵敏,其具体表现如听觉记忆强,听觉注意好等等。但是就辨音能力而言,到底如何,前人并无研究。因此本研究运用了信号检测论的方法来考察视觉障碍儿童的辨音能力。 根据声波把声音分成两大类,一为纯音,二为复合音,其中复合音中又包括乐音和语音,所以实验中呈现的声音共包括三类。通过全盲儿童、低视力儿童、正常儿童的听辨,来计算各自答题的正确率、儿童的辨别力和似然比。在此基础上进行两因素方差分析(年龄×视觉状况),以检验儿童的辨音能力的发展中,年龄和视觉状况所起的作用。此外,还对各年龄段儿童在三类声音作业的表现进行了比较,以找到儿童在辨音能力方面的发展规律。 研究结果表明,全盲儿童在纯音的辨别力上的确好于正常儿童,但在乐音和语音方面三类儿童不存在显著差异,一方面说明纯音听辨和复合音的听辨属于两种不同的过程,纯音辨别更多依赖感觉,而复合音辨别除了感觉以外,还包括知觉整合和听觉策略等多方面因素;另一方面,这种结果较好的支持了这种观点,即视觉问题若不因其他缺陷而复杂化,则视觉障碍儿童与正常儿童之间并无差异。而年龄对三类声音辨别的正确率都有显著影响,说明年龄是儿童听辨能力发展的关键因素。而从发展的过程来看,本实验结果更支持发展补偿论,即在纯音、语音听辨中,小年龄盲童的成绩明显差与正常儿童,有阶段性的发展滞后现象,但通过教育和儿童自身的努力,相对滞后的发展会得到补偿,视觉障碍儿童会逐渐赶上正常儿童并且两者最终趋于一致。

【Abstract】 Sound discrimination is the first stage for people in learning language. Both oral communication and written reading include this progress. Visual impaired children have sensitive hearing, for example big hearing memory and good hearing attention. But it has not been studies whether sound (pure tone, music and speech sound included) discrimination is better or worse in visual impaired children than in normal children. Therefor this research was designed to examine this issue by signal detection theory.The sound was classified into two categories according to the type of sound wave. One was pure tune, the other was compound tone which was made up of music and speech sound. Therefor three kinds of sound materials were presented to blind, weak sighted and normal children. After they discriminated the sound, the right rate of their answers, sensory discriminability and response bias of them were computed. Results were used two-factor ANOVA analysis (age * eye condition) to examine effects of age and eye condition on the developing progress of children’s sound discrimination ability. In addition, children’s performances on these three different sounds were compared.The results showed that blind children had more sensitive hearing on pure tone discrimination than normal children but there was no difference between blind, weak sighted and normal children on music and speech sound discrimination. It was caused by the different distinguishing way between pure tone and compound tone. When discriminate pure tone, people relied on sensation and when discriminate compound tone, people relied more on perception integration, hearing tactics and many other factors. The results also somewhat supported the viewpoint that if visual impaired children had no other defects, they had no difference with normal children. And age is the most important factor for children in developing sound discrimination ability. From the developing progress standpoint, the results of this experiment supported Developmental Compensation theory. In pure tone and speech sound discrimination, blind children of small age performed much worse than normal children did. This meant visual impairment would block the children’s development temporarily. But with the education, training and children’s efforts, their backward ability could be compensated and impaired children would catch up with normal children. Finally they would have no difference with normal children in sound discrimination.

  • 【分类号】G761
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】446

