

【作者】 孙超

【导师】 来建础;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在我国当前进入全面建设小康社会的新时期,社会发展不再是仅仅关注GDP的增长,不再是一味追求经济的单方面递增。以“人”为本全面协调,促进可持续发展,成为新的发展理念。从而“发展”的内涵变为社会大系统的和谐前进,经济发展只是其内容之一;人的精神境界的提升,道德修养、心理素质的提高,日益受到重视。在这一背景下探讨公民道德建设以及如何进行建设具有更大的现实意义,受古今中外尤其是新教伦理在资本主义发展过程中所起积极作用的启发,本文试图对公民道德建设与宗教道德的关系进行探讨,并期望这个探讨对进一步论证宗教与社会主义相适应这一理论热点问题有积极意义。 首先,文章从马克思主义观点出发阐述了公民道德建设提出的背景、依据、内容以及公民道德建设重要性的具体体现。(一)进行公民道德建设是发展社会主义市场经济的要求。市场经济的运行方式以及引发的利益冲突问题彰显了道德规范的重要。(二)进行公民道德建设是发展社会主义先进文化的重要内容。文化体现着民族精神和时代精神,具有凝聚力量,而公民道德建设的目标恰在于在全社会形成共同理想和精神支柱。(三)道德自身的特殊性决定了进行建设需要长期不懈的努力。道德的相对滞后性、历史继承性以及社会经济对其的最终决定意义,使得道德建设难以一蹴而就。因而社会主义市场经济既要完善自身也要协调与此相关的各个方面的关系,并充分重视相关各方对市场经济深入持久发展的影响。 其次,文章主要分析了宗教道德在当今社会的积极作用。对个体而言,它可以净化心灵、消除贪欲、缓解心理压力、劝人扬善抑恶;对社会而言,它可以敦风俗佐教化、维护社会稳定、营建纯净精神家园。随后着力揭示这些积极作用得以发挥的合理内在机制:(一)他律和自律相结合;(二)理想和现实相结合;(三)以信仰为核心。在阐述宗教道德积极作用以及合理内在机制的基础上去论述宗教道德和公民道德建设的关系。一方面,二者有相互的需要;另一方面,宗教解决理想和现实之间矛盾的方式值得进行公民道德建设时借鉴,提出了进行公民道德建设过程中借鉴宗教道德积极因素的可能性。 最后,文章探讨了能够借鉴和如何借鉴宗教道德来为公民道德建设服务的问题。先是分析了公民道德建设过程中能够借鉴宗教道德的原因:(一)借鉴宗教道德是公民道德建设先进性、广泛性与层次性的要求;(二)借鉴宗教道德有助于消解不良道德现象;(三)宗教道德的基本原则有助于弘扬社会主义道德主旋律。然后在如何借鉴这一问题上,主要分析了宗教道德合理的内在机制对公民道德建设的启示:(一)公民道德建设应建立在科学的信仰基础上;(二)公民道德建设应强调自觉自愿原则;(三)公民道德建设应重在操行。

【Abstract】 The new era has come that our society is being built with a modest competence in its entirety. During the course of social development economic increase aren’t merely kept more eyes on. A new kind point of view about development comes into being, it holds that social development should base on "person" and give impetus to sustained development. Development means harmonious advance for all aspects. More and more attention is paid to inner world and accomplishment in self-cultivation of every member of society. So discussing how to construct morality has more realistic significance. Religion has played positive roles in social development, especially the ethic of Protestantism. Enlightened by that, this paper tries to reveal the relations between civic virtues and spiritual court and hopes this kind of study will have active roles for advanced argumentation making religion adapt to socialist.Taking Marxism as a starting point in consideration, the paper shows the background, content and embodiment of the importance of civic virtues. Firstly, market economy under preliminary stage of socialism calls for civic virtues, runnable ways and conflict of interest make ethic more important. Secondly, socialist advanced culture contains building civic virtues. Culture implies ethos and time spirit as flocculant, and what’s more, civic virtues aim at forming consistent idea all over thecountry. Thirdly, particularity of civic virtues makes long efforts necessary. Ethic development always drops behind that of social economy, social economy only influences ethic to its ultimate. So socialist market economy not only perfects itself but also corresponds with the others.In the next place, the paper analyses that ethic still has positive roles today. As individual as concerned, it can pure spirit, eliminate greediness, release psychologically stress and persuade the people to throw one’s bread upon the waters. As society as concerned, it can keep steady and construct well atmosphere. Those positive roles depend on reasonable, effective and internal mechanism: integrate self-discipline with exterior restriction; integrate ideal with reality; look on belief as core. The relations between ethic and civic virtues emerge from above-mentioned expatiation. Proceeding from that, the possibility of using ethic for reference when building civic virtues has been pointed out.In the end, the paper discourses upon why and how to have ethic serve civic virtues. Reasons as follows: using ethic for reference caters to the desire for universality and administrative levels; ethic helps to decrease bad phenomena; ethic principle helps to develop socialist essential principle. And then the paper brings forth a revelation to build civic virtues: Building civic virtues should base on scientific belief; Building civic virtues should proceed with free will. Building civic virtues should put emphases on practice.

  • 【分类号】D648
  • 【下载频次】315

