

【作者】 林惠英

【导师】 齐卫平;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中共党史, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文主要是关于统一战线在全面建设小康社会中作用的研究,主题是如何构建和完善统一战线的作用发挥机制。论文共分为六个部分:前言、四大部分及结束语。 前言部分主要阐述统一战线与全面建设小康社会的时代任务。中共十六大提出的全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标,进一步明确了新世纪之初党和国家的具体任务,同时也为统战工作指明了努力的方向。当前,统一战线应当围绕全面建设小康社会这个中心开展工作。但在新的历史背景下,统一战线工作必然会面临许多新情况、新问题。只有进一步加强理论研究和实践探讨,不断促进统一战线作用发挥机制的发展和完善,才能更好地发挥统一战线的作用。 论文第一部分首先对目前理论界研究中,关于“统一战线与全面建设小康”问题的研究作了简要综述,并指出当前研究的热点、焦点以及不足之处。在此基础上,从政治学的角度分析了统一战线的主要社会功能—利益整合功能、政治整合功能、政治参与功能,阐述了充分发挥统一战线的这些功能和作用对于全面建设小康社会的重要意义。第二部分回顾历史,综合分析了统一战线在中国革命和建设中的历史及现实作用,概述了中国共产党对统一战线工作任务和功能定位认识的发展过程。从中得出结论:随着中国社会的发展,统一战线的功能不是逐渐削弱,而是不断得到强化。第三部分主要论述全面建设小康社会的目标与统一战线的职责。通过论述全面建设小康社会奋斗目标的内涵,指出全面建设小康社会的时代新任务为统一战线工作提供了广阔的空间和新领域,完成全面建设小康社会奋斗目标成为衡量统一战线工作成效的标准。第四部分通过分析在全面建设小康社会这一新的历史阶段,统一战线将面临的新情况及自身所存在的新问题,针对性地提出了构建统一战线工作机制,促进统一战线工作的规范化、制度化和程序化,用新的方式和手段开展统战工作的具体对策。 结束语部分指出,充分发挥统一战线的优势和作用,关键是如何构建和完善统一战线工作的作用发挥机制,从机制和制度层面提供保障。

【Abstract】 The thesis is primarily studying on the functions of the United Front during the stage of building up an All-Round Well-to-Do society. The theme is how to build and perfect the work machanism of the United Front to develop freely its advantages and functions. The thesis is consisted of six parts, including the preface, four parts and the end.The Preface tells the United Front and the times’ mission during the period of building up an All-Round Well-to-Do society. The struggle target of building up an All-Round Well-to-Do society, which is posed by the 16th National Representative Conference of the Communist Party of China, goes step further to make clear the concrete mission for the Communist Party of China and the whole country at the beginning of the 21th century, which points out the orientation for the work of the Front United, and provides a vast space for the development of the United Front in the same time. Today, the United Front must launch work around the central task of building up an All-Round Well-to-Do society. However, the work of the United Front will face a great deal of new situation and many problems under the new background. We could only go up further to strengthen the study of the theory and explore the practice, to promote to build and perfect the machanism that develops the function of the United Front, through which we can go with the times and initiate a new aspect of the work of the United Front.The first part summarizes firstly on the fruit of the study on the problem of "the United Front and building up an All-Round Well-to-Do society" by the theorists, and then points out the focus and the problems need to be studied further. Then it analyzes the main social functions of the United Front at the angle of politics: interests integration, political integration, political participation, on the basis of which, the importance of developing adequately the functions of the United Front is told. The second part analyzes synthetically the historic and practical functions of the United Front during the course of thechina’s revolution and construction through looking back the history, And then summarizes the course that the Communist Party of China recognize on the different tasks and the fixed position of the functions, which was made on the United Front, from which the conclusion was made that the task of the United Front always changed by the general task of the Communist Party of China in different historic stages. The functions of the United Front are strengthening, not weakening with the development of China. The third part discusses mainly on the relations between building up an Ail-Round Well-to-Do society and the obligation of the United Front. After expounding the intention of building up an Ail-Round Well-to-Do society ,and the standard of telling the effect of the United Front is just that how many we have done about the task. The fourth part analyzes on the new condition and problems we may face in the new stage of building up an Ail-Round Well-to-Do society, based on which the tactics to build and perfect the working machamism, to promote the work of the United Front to be more standard, systematic and procedural, to develop new aspects of the United front are put forward.The End, after analyzing thoroughly the new situation and problems we will face during the course of building up an All-Round Well-to-Do society, which are the main problems of developing the advantages and functions of the United Front, it points out how to get up further to build and perfect the function machanism of the United Front, through which we can ensure the function of it will be adequately developed.

  • 【分类号】D613
  • 【下载频次】508

