

【作者】 王红霞

【导师】 蒋德海;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 互联网是二十世纪对人类社会最具影响力的发明创造之一,它在为人类创造巨大物质财富的同时,也深刻地影响了人们的生活方式、工作方式和价值观念。网络隐私权问题是互联网的出现所带来的一个副产品,它虽已广泛存在于互联网中,在中国却未得到应有的重视。本文试图从以下几方面入手,对网络隐私权问题作一研究,以期引起人们对这一问题的关注。 导论部分,简要介绍了选题缘由和研究现状。 第一部分以案例提出问题。在给定材料的基础上分析了网络隐私侵权的方式,阐述了网络隐私侵权可能造成的后果。 第二部分主要从理论上对隐私权、网络隐私权、网络隐私权的内容与特征进行法律界定,剖析了网络隐私权与传统隐私权的不同。从法律对隐私权保护的现状中归纳出我国法律对隐私权保护的特点:取间接保护方式;法律保护的隐私限于私人信息与私人生活不受侵扰;隐私保护的主体包括未成年人;所涉及的法律较多。我国隐私权法律保护的不足则体现在三个方面:法律保护意识淡薄;立法不严肃;司法保护不力。 第三部分围绕国际上其他国家和地区关于网络隐私权的法律保护问题进行阐述。主要分析了各国关于隐私权保护法律制度的历史以及立法现状,在此基础上对各国关于网络隐私权法律保护问题作了比较研究。 第四部分提出中国网络隐私权保护的对策。在前三个部分分析、论证的基础上,借鉴国外关于隐私权保护的立法经验,找到了一条由道德教育、技术、法律和国际合作等环节共同构成的适合中国特点的网络隐私权保护方法。在可行的四种对策中着重阐述了立法对策:加强人格权理论研究,推进公民人格保障;完善《宪法》内容;在《刑法》中增设侵犯公民隐私权罪;修改《民法通则》,加强隐私权判例的作用,规定侵犯隐私权的法律责任。技术对策中,针对网站收集用户资料,适当使用Cookie;加密用于保护传送中的电子邮件;隐藏硬盘盘符防范侵入个人电脑。文章对道德教育和加强国际合作对策也一一做了阐述。 结语简要地概括了论文所要表明的观点。

【Abstract】 Internet is one of the inventions that have tremendous impact on our society. It not only created a wealth of materials, but also deeply influenced our styles of living and working. Even people’s idea of values has been greatly changed. The problem of privacy in cyberspace is just an issue brought forth with the birth of Internet. Nowadays, threat to privacy has already existed widely in that digital network. While, in China, attention that have been paid to it is far from enough. In order to call on people’s care to privacy online, the paper makes a thorough research to this problem from four parts:The introduction of the article is a concise explanation of the reason why the author writes it and the academic research status.The issue of invasion of network privacy is put forward with a typical case at the beginning. From some materials the author analyzes the present condition, expatiates the consequences of such conducts.In part two, the thesis theoretically defines the right to privacy the right to network and the characteristics of network privacy in the light of law, analyzes the difference between the right to privacy and the right to privacy in cyberspace. From our law the author induces the characteristics of how it protects the online privacy: indirect protection; legal protection for private information and life of adult as well as the nonage, and so on. Apparently, the shortage includes three aspects: lack the consciousness of legal protection; the weak judicatory; no serious lawmaking.The third part studies the way that how other countries and regions solve the problem of privacy. After analyzing the history and status of these measures a comparative research is made.A comprehensive program to protect Chinese right to privacy online is finally proposed. Basing on the analysis above, aiming at working efficiently in special Chinese circumstances, this program is composed organically of education, technology progress, legislation and international cooperation. Among four solutions legislation is more emphasized in the following aspects: enhancing the studies of personality power theories; perfecting the constitution; establishing the crime on intrusion of privacy in penal code; modification the civil law, enhancing the function of the judicial precedent, setting the law duty. As for technique, we should use COOKIE properly against data collection by the websites; encrypt the email in order for the sake of the important information in the transmission; conceal the hard-dish vol. against invasion of PC. Each elucidation is made on each of the two others respectively.In the conclusion, the author reasserts her views.

【关键词】 网络隐私权法律保护
【Key words】 CyberspacePrivacyLawProtection
  • 【分类号】D923
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】564

