

Study on the Protection and Environmental Effect of the River Network in the Urbanization Process of Shanghai City

【作者】 唐敏

【导师】 杨凯;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 环境科学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 上海地处感潮平原地区,河网水系较为发达。但在城市化以及社会经济高速发展进程中,全市河道水体面积在近20年内减少近25%,表明人类高强度作用下的城市化地区河网水系正在经历着显著的影响和改变。随着上海城市化进程的推进,保持适度的水面率、恢复河网水系的结构和功能对上海城市生态环境建设至关重要。因此,从生态水文学角度,探讨城市河网水系的保护及相关环境效应,谋求建立和谐的地表水文格局,具有重要的研究意义和前景。 论文依托教育部高校博士点基金项目“上海高度城市化过程中的水面率控制及相关生态环境效应研究”(编号:20020269014)和上海市河道管理处项目“上海生态城市建设过程中的内河水面率研究”,在历史资料调研收集、水资源普查基础资料统计分析、现场实验观测的基础上,采用定性和定量相结合的方法,研究了上海城市化进程中河网水系的演变及水面率的城郊差异,重点分析了河网水系的调蓄效应和水体周边的环境小气候效应,并对上海地区适宜水面率的恢复及河网水系的保护管理对策进行了探讨。 论文基于上海水利控制片及河道管理等级的划分,采用单位面积槽蓄容量(SR)和单位面积可调蓄容量(ASR)参数,研究和表征城市河网水系的调蓄效应,结果表明:(1)河网水系的调蓄效应由市区向郊区逐渐递增,总体呈现出以高度城市化地区的蕴南片和淀北片为低值中心,逐渐向城郊结合部以及郊区递增的分布状况。(2)不同等级河道调蓄效应差异明显,镇村级河道可调蓄容量占河道总库容的比重较大,则低等级河道潜在调蓄能力更强;而市区级主干河道蓄水总容积较大,但其排蓄洪水的容积占河道总容积比例却相对较小。(3)各水利片之间河道调蓄效应的差异随着河道等级的降低而逐级递增,市区级骨干河道调蓄效应的地区差异并不明显,而在高度城市化的水利片,中小河道数目减少、平均长度萎缩的情况相对突出,其镇村级支流河道的调蓄效应显著偏低。(4)河网水面率是影响区域除涝的关键性敏感因素,计算得到水面率与SR的相关系数平方为0.936,与ASR的相关系数平方为0.934,显著性水平均在0.001以上,表明水面率与调蓄效应间的高度相关。 论文选择上海中心城区6处不同类型的城市河流及水体,对其周边环境进行了温度和相对湿度的实地监测。水体小气候效应受到诸多因素的影响,本文通过比较各水体不同季节上下风向的温湿特征及人体舒适度效应,初步分析了城市河流及水体周边的小气候效应及其主要影响因素,结果表明:(1)水体面积是影响其小气候效应的重要因素,实测期间长风公园银锄湖的环境小气候效应较为显著,这与湖泊面积较大关系密切。(2)水体周边的建筑物布局影响水体小气候效应,中远两湾城内密集的高层建筑,改变空气自然流动状况,影响水体在自然环境状态下的小气候效应。(3)“水绿”复合生态系统有利于河流水体小气候效应的发挥,潍坊公园附近的张家浜两岸具有开阔的绿化空间,为水体小气候效应的发挥提供了有华东师范丈学2004届硕士学位论文士护攀对清叱过窟沪必阿网冰万康护爱褶尖环嚣赓应研穷利条件。(4)喷泉等人工设施强化了水体的小气候效应,实测期间太平桥绿地人工湖在喷泉开启时对周边环境的降温增湿作用较喷泉关闭时显著。(5)水体在暖热的春夏季比寒冷干燥的冬季具有更加明显的人体舒适度效应。 论文尝试从保持水系结构形态和河网调蓄功能的角度来考虑,通过概化计算提出上海河网地区的平均水面率应保持在9%左右为宜,比现状的平均水面率6.4%提高约40%。论又提出应采取严格保护现有河流水面、加强疏浚拓宽河道、理顺沟通河网水系、建设生态型河流以及人工水体等对策措施,确保水面率不再缩小并逐步有所增加,重建和谐的水系自然格局,以实现水环境生态功能。同时,应从同步协调河网水系保护与城市发展、构建水绿网络化的生态体系、发展河湖水面积数字管理技术以及建立社会化的河流管理机制等多种途径,加强河网水系的长效维护管理。

【Abstract】 River network in Shanghai are well-developed in that the city lies in a tidal plain. However, the value of water area has reduced by 25 per cent in recent 20 years during the process of urbanization and high-speed development of the urban economic in Shanghai city. It shows that the characters of river network have been obviously impacted by human activities. Along with the urbanization process of Shanghai, maintaining appropriate water surface ratio (Wp) is of great importance to the eco-environment construction of the city. Consequently, from the angle of eco-hydrology, to establish harmonious ground hydrological pattern, it will be provided with favorable researching meaning and foreground to study the protection and environmental effect of river network.This paper is based on the project of Doctor Foundation of Ministry of Education (No.: 20020269014) and the project of Shanghai Waterway Administration. The data in this paper are obtained by collecting historical literature, selecting the data from Shanghai water resources general survey, and field monitoring, etc. It qualitatively and quantitatively explores the evolution of the river network, and the Wp disparity between urban and suburb area. The paper pays great attention to the storage effect of the network and microclimate effect of urban river and waterbody. The value of appropriate Wp in Shanghai is advanced, finally the countermeasures for the protection and management of the river network is discussed in details.Based upon the division method of the water conservation zones and river order in Shanghai, we approach on the storage effect of the urban river network by the idea of the SR and ASR. It is showed in this paper that: (1) From the central district to the suburb, the storage effect of river network is gradually fortified. Yunnan and Dianbei zones make the low-value core, where is the most high-urbanization area. (2) The storage effect greatly varied with the river order. Supposing to define rivers of 1st and 2nd order as lower-order, and rivers of 3rd and 4th order as higher-order, then it is found that the higher the ratio that the available capacity accounting for total capacity in the lower-order, the greater the underlying drainage capacity will the river be. On the contrary, the total storage capacity of higher-order relatively greater, but the drainage capacity is lower as to that of lower-order rivers. (3) The differences of river storage effect among water conservation zones increased with the descending of river order. The storage effect of the higher-order rivers differentiate slightly between each zones. Since the number and the average length of rivers are reduced in Yunnan and Dianbei zone in high urbanized area, the storage effect of lower-order rivers in this two zones are significantly less than that of other zones. (4) Wp is one of the most conclusive factors for regional waterlogging control. It is calculated that Wp is significantly related with SR (R2=0.936, p<0.001) and ASR (R2=0.934, p<0.001), which shows that the storage effect depends greatly on the Wp.Six types of urban rivers and waterbodies in Shanghai urban distract have been selected for the field monitoring to the daytime temperature (T) and relative humidity (RH) of the circumjacent surroundings. By comparing temperature-humidity features and human comfortdegrees between the windward and the leeward of these selected water bodies in different seasons, this paper preliminary analyzed microclimate of urban river and waterbody, then discussing some influencing factors on it. The results obtained are as follows: (1) The value of waters area contribute greatly for the microclimate effect. In observing period, the environmental microclimate effect of lake in Changfeng Park is greater than that of other observed waterbodies, mainly attributing to the larger lake area. (2) Building layout around waterbody affects the microclimate in some degree, we say, dense high buildings in Zhongyuan residential district transformed the state of the atmosphere flow, and the mi

  • 【分类号】TU984.115
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】829

