

【作者】 江乃兵

【导师】 周尚文;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 长期以来,国际上对罗莎·卢森堡本人及其理论观点一直存在争论。后人针对她的思想争论最大的是关于民主和集中的关系以及民主和专政的关系问题。应该说,是她的特殊身份、成长环境和非同寻常的经历造就了她独树一帜的民主观。 关于党的建设,卢森堡创造性地提出“自我集中制”,突出群众自发性的作用,强调党必须依靠群众的首创精神和独立行动。卢森堡却低估了政党的自觉性作用,进而有崇拜自发性、忽视政党的组织和党的领袖作用的倾向。她对民主和集中关系的论述也有一定的片面性。民主集中制是行之有效的制度,但在现实中还需要制度化和具体量化,这方面,卢森堡的见解有一定的科学价值。 在社会主义国家政治生活中,一方面,卢森堡强调无产阶级专政,强调无产阶级专政是整个阶级的事业;另一方面,她又非常注重资本主义民主制的形式,并批评了苏共限制民主的做法。她的民主观有不少独到的见解,但她的理论在现实中还是无法有机地衔接民主的内容和形式。 在卢森堡的民主观中,自由被置放在重要地位。她理解的自由是“始终持不同思想者的自由”,她认为自由是建立有效公共生活的最重要因素,主张通过政务的公开和彻底的监督制实现人民参政。她阐述的自由观对社会主义国家有一定的理论意义和现实意义,但也有过于夸大自由的片面认识。 卢森堡的思想和行为充斥了太多的两难,有的西方学者认为卢森堡的观点是介于布尔什维主义和社会民主主义之间的“第三条道路”,从根本上讲,这种状况源于她对自身所处时代背景、环境的错误判断和分析以及信仰上的坚定性的相互作用的结果。作为一个热情洋溢的革命家和天生的理想主义者,尽管留下了许多令后人瞠目结舌的闪光思想,但她本人注定将以悲剧告别历史舞台。

【Abstract】 For a long period of time, there have always been international controversies about Rosa Luxemburg herself and her theories. The major focus remains to be the issue regarding the relationships between democracy and centralism as well as the ones between democracy and dictatorship. It is her special identity, growing background and uncommon experiences that contribute mostly to her unique democratic values.With regard to the Party Building, Luxemburg creatively puts forward the idea of "Self-Centralism", which emphasizes the function of mass spontaneity and the Party’s reliance on masses’ initiative spirits and independent actions. However, she underestimates Party’s own consciousness. Therefore, she demonstrates her tendency of worshiping blindly the spontaneity and ignoring the functions of Party’s organization and its leaders. In this way, her views towards the relationship between democracy and centralism are one-sided. However, she holds that democratic centralism, as an effective institution, needs to be systemized and quantified in reality. In this respect, Luxemburg’s points of views boast scientific values, to some extent.In the political life of socialist countries, on one hand, Luxemburg renders much emphasis on the proletarian dictatorship which is the cause of the whole class. On the other hand, she attaches great importance to the capitalist democratic institution and criticizes Soviet’s restriction on democracy. Although her democratic values are unique, there is no applying to contents and forms of the democracy in reality.In Luxemburg’s democratic values, freedom is obviously on priority. Freedom, in her mind, can be found in those thinkers who always hold different views and is the most important factor in building the effective public life. Therefore, she advocates to realize people’s participation in political affairs by means of open government administration and thorough supervisory institution. On one hand, her freedom values have theoretical and realistic significance to socialist countries. On the other hand, she exaggerates the function of freedom.Luxemburg’s thoughts and actions are faced with too many dilemmas. Some western scholars hold that her views are between Bolshevism and Socialist Democratism, namely, "the Third Line". In a final analysis, it results from the interactions of her false judgment and analysis of her then times and environment as well as her firmness in beliefs. As a born passionate revolutionist, she is destined to withdraw from the history stage as a tragedy, although she left her followers many brilliant thoughts.

【关键词】 卢森堡民主观
【Key words】 LuxemburgDemocratic Values
  • 【分类号】D12
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】261

