

Study on Dynamics of Avian Community in Different Stages of Vegetation Succession in Chongming Dongtan Wetland

【作者】 徐玲

【导师】 徐宏发;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 生态学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 为了了解随着崇明东滩滩涂植被演替的推进,鸟类群落演替的一般规律及其季节性的差异,于2002年10月至2003年10月对东滩湿地鸟类群落进行了定点观察。通过比较鸟类群落的种类组成、丰富度、居留型、地理型、密度、多样性、均匀性、优势种、群落相似性等方面,研究了植被演替不同阶段、不同季节上的鸟类群落特征的差异,即鸟类群落的水平格局和时间格局,并探讨了各种环境因子对鸟类群落动态变化的影响。研究结果如下: 1.崇明东滩湿地植被群落的演替规律。目前,崇明东滩湿地植被群落演替的基本模式为:盐渍藻类群落—海三棱藨草群落/藨草群落—芦苇群落。如果没有围堤等人为干扰,植被群落的演替还会继续下去,芦苇群落之后将是中生植被,接下来中生植被逐渐会被陆生植被替代,直至最终形成顶级群落。 2.崇明东滩湿地鸟类群落的演替规律。(1)鸟类的物种丰富度随着滩涂演替的推进经历由低到高再到低的过程。全年的调查结果显示,处滩涂演替中间阶段的海三棱藨草带/藨草带的鸟类物种数最为丰富,达96种,处演替高级阶段的芦苇带最低,为51种,初级阶段的盐渍藻类带的物种数为69种;(2)非水鸟物种数的比例随着滩涂植被演替的推进逐渐增大。全年调查结果显示,非水鸟分别占盐渍藻类带、海三棱藨草带/藨草带、芦苇带观察种数的7.25%、31.25%和47.06%,比例逐渐升高,春夏秋冬四季均符合这个规律;(3)鸟类的密度随着滩涂植被演替的推进基本呈递减的趋势。盐渍藻类带鸟类的年平均密度居三个演替阶段首位,高达14.63只/ha.,海三棱藨草带/藨草带次之,为7.50只/ha.,芦苇带最低,仅1.59只/ha.。春夏秋三季各植被演替阶段鸟类密度的变化规律与全年的一致,且各演替阶段之间鸟类密度的差异均达到显著(P<0.05)或极显著水平(P<0.01),冬季的情况有所不同:海三棱藨草带/藨草带>盐渍藻类带>芦苇带,彼此之间鸟类密度的差异亦达到显著(P<0.05)或极显著水平(P<0.01);(4)相邻植被演替阶段鸟类群落的相似性高于相隔植被演替阶段。对全年不同演替阶段鸟类群落进行相似性比较,芦苇带与海三棱藨草带/藨草带的相似性系数S1=0.5442,海三棱藨草带/藨草带与盐渍藻类带S3=0.6182,芦苇带与盐渍藻类带S2=0.2585。对不同季节的植被演替阶段鸟类群落相似性进一步比较发现,任何一个季节S1和S3的值均分别大于S2;(5)鸟类群落的多样性与群落中优势种华东师范大学2004届硕L学位论文中文摘要所占的数量比例呈负相关。对鸟类群落优势种所占的数量百分比和该群落的多样性指数之间的关系作相关回归分析,结果表明两者呈显著负相关(卜一0.88,P<0.01),回归方程为Y=3,8956一0.0297X。 3.崇明东滩湿地鸟类群落结构的季节性差异。(l)整个东滩秋季鸟类物种丰富度最高,达87种,其次是春季68种,夏季较少47种,冬季最少28种;(2)整个东滩鸟类密度的顺序是春季14.60只爪a.、冬季9.56只爪a.、秋季8.28只爪a.和夏季2.85只小a,。各季节密度排在前三位的物种是春季大滨鄙4.%只爪a.、黑腹滨鹏4,46只/ha.、环颈鹤108只/h a.,夏季白鹭0.35只爪a.、家燕0.32只小a,、白翅浮鸥0.25只爪a.,秋季黑腹滨鹏1.78只爪a.、白鹭1.19只爪a.、环颈鹃1.13只爪a,,冬季灰背鸥343只爪a.、银鸥1.91只瓜a.、黑尾鸥154只/ha.。海三棱蕉草带/蕉草带鸟类群落密度的季节性变化与整个东滩一致,各季节的鸟类密度差异显著(F(3,20)=6.99,P<0.01):芦苇带冬季鸟类的密度高于春季(P<0.05);盐渍藻类带鸟类密度的季节变化是春秋两季高,夏冬两季低,春秋两季差异不显著 (P>0.05),春冬两季差异显著(P<0.05),春夏、夏秋、夏冬和秋冬之间差异达到极显著水平(P<0.01)。 4.崇明东滩湿地保护鸟类情况分析。(1)植被演替不同阶段的保护鸟类物种数有差异。芦苇带36种,海三棱蕉草带/蕉草带中64种,其中国家一、二级保护鸟类共计7种,盐渍藻类带的保护鸟类也较多,共计57种,其中国家一、二级保护鸟类也为7种,盐渍藻类带中的白枕鹤为崇明东滩鸟类新记录;(2)不同季节的保护鸟类物种数有差异。春季56种,其中国家级保护鸟类3种;夏季36种,其中国家级保护鸟类2种;秋季61种,国家级保护鸟类7种;冬季20种,国家级保护鸟类3种。 本研究还对白鹭、黑腹滨鹏和青脚鹏的居留型进行了探讨。根据调查结果,白鹭密度季节间的差异不显著(P>0.05),其在崇明东滩可能为留鸟;黑腹滨鹏的密度季节间差异显著(P<0.01),春秋两季的密度明显高于冬季(P<0.01),数量高峰出现在春秋两季,又由于黑腹滨鹏冬季的数量也不是太少(0 .72土0.42只爪a.),所以有可能一部分为冬候鸟,另一部分为旅鸟;青脚鹏季节间密度的差异不显著(P>0.05),由于本调查中并未发现青脚鹏的繁殖巢,且其全年的数量较少,因此只能初步推断青脚鹏可能为留鸟,这尚待进一步的深入研究。华东师范大学2004届硕士学位论文中文摘要 基于对崇明东滩湿地演替不同阶段鸟类群落研究的结果,阐述了植被、底栖动物、潮沟及各种人为干扰如围垦、旅游、污染、偷猎、放牧、刘割和烧荒及捕鱼对鸟类群落动态变化产生的影?

【Abstract】 In order to find out the general rule of avian community succession and seasonal dynamics with the development of vegetation succession in Chongming Dongtan Wetland, a whole-year survey was conducted on avian community between October in 2002 and October in 2003. The differences of characteristics of avian community in different seasons and phases of vegetation succession were studied by comparison of their species constitution, abundance, seasonal variation, geographical variation, density, diversity, evenness, dominant species and community similarity. And then the relationship was discussed between environment factors and dynamics of avian community. The results were following:1 . The general rule of vegetation community succession in Chongming Dongtan Wetland. At present, the basic pattern is saline algae community, Scirpus marqueter/Scirpus triqueter community and reed community. If there were no unnatural disturbance, the succession would go on, and terraneous vegetation would take the place of reed community and form climax community.2. The general rules of avian community succession. (1) The avian species abundance is at a low level in the primary stage of vegetation succession, goes up in the second stage, and declines in the high stage. Total of 69 species were observed in saline algae zone, 96 species were recorded in Scirpus marqueter/Scirpus triqueter zone, and 51 species were found in reed zone; (2) The ratio of birds except water bird gradually increase with the development of wetland vegetation succession. It was 7.25% in saline algae zone, 31.25% in Scirpus marqueter/Scirpus triqueter zone and 47.06% in reed zone; (3) The avian density undergoes declination with the development of wetland vegetation succession. The annual average density was 14.63 per hectare in saline algae zone, 7.50 per hectare in Scirpus marqueter/Scirpus triqueter zone and 1 .59 per hectare in reed zone; (4) The avian community similarity in between adjoining stages of vegetation succession was higher than that in between apart stages. The similarity coefficient of avian community was 0.5442 in between reed zone and Scirpus marqueter/Scirpus triqueter zone. The coefficient was 0.6182in between Scirpus marqueter/Scirpus triqueter zone and saline algae zone, and 0.2585 in between reed zone and saline algae zone; (5) The diversity of avian community correlated negatively with the number ratio of dominant species (R=-0.88, PO.01, Y= 3.8956-0.0297X).3. The seasonal difference existed in the construction of wetland avian community of Chongming Dongtan. (1) There were 87 species in autumn, which was at the highest level, 68 species in spring, 47 species in summer and 28 species in winter; (2) The declining trend of avian density was the following: 14.60 per hectare in spring, 9.56 per hectare in winter, 8.28 per hectare in autumn and 2.85 per hectare in summer. The three species with the highest density were Great Knot (4.96 per hectare), Dunlin (4.46 per hectare) and Kentish Plover (1.08 per hectare) in spring, Little Egret (0.35 per hectare), Barn swallow (0.32 per hectare) and White-winged Tern (0.25 per hectare) in summer, Dunlin (1.78 per hectare), Little Egret (1.19 per hectare) and Kentish Plover (1.13 per hectare) in autumn, and Slaty-backed Gull (3.43 per hectare), Herring Gull (1.91 per hectare) and Black-tailed Gull (1.54 per hectare ) in winter.4. Analysis about protected birds in Chongming Dongtan Wetland. (1) The difference of species number of protected birds occurred in different stages of vegetation succession. There were 36 species in reed zone, 64 species in Scirpus marqueter/Scirpus triqueter zone and 57 species in saline algae zone; (2) The difference also existed in varied seasons. There were 56 species in spring, 36 species in summer, 61 species in autumn and 20 species in winter.The discussion was carried on season variation of Little Egret, Dunlin and Common Greenshank. The results showed that there was no significant difference of Little Egret density among seasons (P>0.05), which i

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