

【作者】 肖珍教

【导师】 唐安国;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 从2002年开始,复旦大学率先在全国掀起了转专业之“风”,之后,很多高校都纷纷制定了转专业政策,对本科生转专业进行了一定程度的放开,并用制度进行规范和保障。这一行为被许多新闻媒体称为我国高等教育一次制度创新式的改革,一次以人为本的改革。 学生转专业在过去一直被回避和限制,为什么在这两年一下子被放开而且大量的高校纷纷效仿?大学生转专业的流动情况是怎么样的,即转专业的学生主要集中在哪些专业,主要转向哪些专业?转专业对目前高校的专业秩序和专业设置会产生怎样影响?究竟哪些因素成了本科生转专业的“导火线”,而起决定性的因素有哪些,根本性的原因又是什么?本文在问卷调查和访谈的基础上,对这些问题进行了一一回答。 正文的基本结构是: 导言,即介绍了研究的背景和意义、研究的现状和研究的思路与方法。 第一部分转专业政策实施的背景分析,即从我国社会经济与高等教育发展现状的层面上分析了高校转专业政策实施的背景和基于的假设。 第二部分上海地区高校本科生转专业的现状分析,即分析了2003年上海地区高校本科生转专业的流动特点、影响本科新生产生转专业意向的几个潜在的因子以及本科生转专业的决定性因素。 第三部分完善本科生转专业政策的对策与建议,阐述了高校转专业政策实践的理论支持、上海地区高校本科生转专业实施的现状及当前高校本科生转专业未能完全放开的原因,并提出完善高校本科生转专业政策的对策。 第四部分从转专业视角来重新审视当前我国的本科生教育,指出产生转专业现象的根本原因在于当前我国高等教育的人才培养制度,分析了我国高校本科生教育过早实施专业教育的成因、表现形式及存在的弊端,并提出相应的对策与建议。

【Abstract】 At the beginning of 2002, fudan university took the lead in changing majors, then,more and more higher institutions constiuted the policies on change of major, permit some of the new undergraduates to tranfer their study ing-majors after entering the higher institution, and use the system to ensure it. It is called once system innovation and concerning the people well-being reformation of Chinese higher education by many news medias.In the past, undergraduates were difficult in changing majors, but now, more and more higher institutions permit and sustain their students to do it, what is the reasons?What are the characteristics of majors flowing?Which majors did more students transfer out?Which majors did more students transfer in?What are the influences it can bring out?Why the undergraduates choose to change majors?Here we will answer these questions by questionnaire investigation ect.The basic configuration of the dissertation is:Preface. In this part, the author describes the research background, signficance, status in quo, thinking and approach of this dissertation.The first part is about the background of putting the pocilies on change of major in practice in higher institutions. In this part, the author analyses the background and hypothesis from the development status in quo of Chinese society, economy and higher education.The second part is about the status in quo of undergraduates’ change of majors in shanghai’ s higher institutions, including the characteristics of majors flowing, the latent factors and the pivotal factors.The third part is about the measures of consummating the policies on change of major, including the theories sustaining of practice, the status in quo in shanghai’ s higher institutions, the reasons that incomplete opening and the measures to consummate them.The fourth part is about the issues of the undergraduate’ s educationin Chinese higher institutes. The essesntial reason that arouses the phenonemon that change of major is the system of Chinese higher education. In this part, the author points out that the speciality education is too early during Chinese undergraduate’s education., analyses the cause of formation, reprsentation and the abuse of it, and puts forward some suggestions to change these issues.

【关键词】 上海地区高校本科生转专业
【Key words】 shanghaihigher institutionsundergraduateschange of major
  • 【分类号】G649.28
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】798

