

【作者】 张洪华

【导师】 文新华;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 创新概念被提出后,其内涵不断得到拓展,起初属于经济范畴,不久被引入科学和技术领域,到现在为止已被广泛应用到了包括教育在内的各个领域。从传播的角度来说,创新之“新”主要是一种感知(perceived newness),即是一种主观感受,而非客观意义上的真正的“新”(objective newness)。校长创新不同于技术创新,其优势需通过长期的实践在将来的某一时间才能显现出来,并且受诸多甚至是某些人为难以控制的因素的影响。 校长创新在学校的各项创新中居于统帅地位,融入在各类创新的诸环节、因素和过程之中,具有最终决定、制约、保证和促进一切创新的关键作用和核心作用。校长创新使各项创新由潜在变为现实。校长创新也不是神秘莫测,高不可攀的,体现在各种具体工作中。校长创新,就内容来说主要指校长在工作过程中的新思路、新方法、新观念。这些创新不是凭空产生的,是以外部环境、内部条件和校长个人经验为基础的。从本质上讲校长创新应该是一个动态的理论应用于实践的过程,是新思想、新方法、新理念发挥效益,稳步改进办学质量的过程。 创新就是要建立一种新秩序,就是要更新观念,改变原有的行为习惯、做事方法以及评价奖惩体系,势必会影响到一些人的利益,在所难免的会受到既得利益者的阻碍。为保证创新的顺利实施,就要努力争取宽松的外部环境,营造高效的内部机制,还要校长不断地提高自身素质。 校长创新是个没有终极的循环上升的过程,源自于问题,展开于探索,开花于实施,完善于反馈。问题是创新之源,也是创新得以存在的原因。探索主要是围绕问题收集资料,深入整理、谋求解决方案的过程。创新必须经由思想转为行动,创新的价值不在于内容的新奇,而在于是否在实施中取得了成效。没有反馈,创新必将走向呆板、僵化甚至死亡。 本研究的重点是对校长创新的条件和过程的理论分析。通过系统的分析外部环境、内部机制和校长个人要素,使得校长对影响创新的各因素有个清晰而全面的把握,以至在办学过程中不时的去努力追求宽松适宜的条件。通过对校长创新过程的分析,使得校长了解创新各个环节校长的使命及其需要完善的机制。

【Abstract】 After the concept of innovation was generated, its comprehension is widen constantly, from the category of economy to the fields of science and technology, until now it has been applying to all fields including education. From the perspective of transmission, the "newness" of innovation is primarily a perceived newness, namely, it is a subjective feeling and not a objective newness. The principal’s innovation is different from the technological innovation, its priority can be seen through a long time of practicing, and it is influenced by some factors even manmade factors that are difficult to control.The principal’s innovation is dominant among all the innovations of a school, it is merging into every moment, factors and process of all the other innovations, and it is the key and core in deciding, conditioning, ensuring and promoting all innovations. The principal’s innovation turns all potential innovations into realities. The principal’s innovation is not mysterious or inaccessible but is embodied in all concrete work. From its contents, the principal’s innovation mainly refers to the new way-out, new methods and new conceptions throughout a principal’s work. The principal’s innovation doesn’t generate from the air, it is based on the external surroundings, internal conditions and the principal’s personal experiences. In essence, the principal’s innovation ought to be a dynamic process which apply the theory into practice , to be a process during which the principal’s new thoughts, new methods and new manage can amplify its efficiency and steadily improve the quality of education.Innovation is to set a new order, to renew the conceptions, to change the old behavioral habits, methods of actions and evaluation systems, it is inevitable to influence to some people’s benefits and to be hampered by the stockshare. In order to ensure a favorable enforcement of innovation, we need to strive to scramble a wide external surroundings, to construct a efficient internal mechanism, and to improve the principal’s individual competence constantly.The principal’s innovation is a process of circular rising which has no end, it comes from problems, expands from explorations, blooms from enforcement, perfects from feedback. Question is the spring of innovation, and is the cause of the innovation’s existence. Exploration is mainly a process of collecting data that surrounding the problems and deep-going to arranging and finding the solutions. Innovation must be turned into action through thinking, its value does not lies, in whether to make a progress during its enforcement. Innovation must be frigid, petrify even dead if it has no feedback .The emphasis of this thesis is to make a theorical analysis of the innovationalcondition and process of the principal’s, innovation Through systematically analizing the external surroundings, internal mechanisms and the principal’s personal element, we may have such a clear and all-round grasp of all the factors that influencing the innovation ,so we can strive to pursuit a wide and suitable conditions during the process of education. Through the analysis of the innovational process of a principal, it make the principal understands his missions and the mechanisms that need to perfect in every moment of the innovation.

  • 【分类号】G471.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】260

