

【作者】 王映

【导师】 吴志宏;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,教育政策研究逐渐成为我国教育研究领域的热点。教育政策研究的一个重要特性是比较性。我国的教育政策比较研究开始时间不算短,但却存在一些不足之处,表现为重介绍轻分析、重内容轻过程,对外国教育政策还停留在介绍政策内容上,对于别国教育政策的制定过程还没有相关研究。本文以此为突破口,以英国20世纪80年代至20世纪末制定并实施的“直接拨款公立学校”政策为研究对象,分析该政策制定的背景,探讨该政策制定过程,总结英国基础教育政策制定过程的共性和个性,挖掘其对我国基础教育政策制定的启示,期望对教育政策决策者提供政策参考。全文共分五个部分: 第一部分——引言。引言中首先提出了选题依据,即鉴于国内教育政策比较研究的不足,本文拟选取英国直接拨款公立学校为例,对其制定过程展开分析,总结经验教训,以期对我国教育政策制定起到一定启示作用。继而介绍了本文将要采用的研究方法。 第二部分——该政策出台的背景分析。英国“直接拨款公立学校”政策的出台不是孤立的事件。1980年代初撒切尔夫人推行的一系列经济改革促使政府对教育领域进行较为激进的改革,以改善英国教育的落后状况;保守党新右翼的政治和文化纲领决定了教育改革的价值选择;英国对传统地方政府自治的政治体制进行改革决定了同样由地方自治的教育必然受其影响。该政策正是各种背景综合作用的后果。 第三部分——该政策发展历程和制定过程分析。在纵向和横向两个方向展开分析。纵向上,以时间为序,分析该政策出台前、出台时、出台后的整个发展过程;横向上,在该政策发展的每个阶段对其制定过程、政策文本、执行情况展开分析。 第四部分——英国基础教育政策决策机制分析。通过前面对“直接拨款公立学校政策”制定过程事实的描述和分析,提炼出影响英国基础教育政策决策的各种因素,并分析各种影响因素之间的相互关系,提出英国基础教育政策决策的一般机制是团体决策模式,而“直接拨款公立学校”政策个案则带有精英决策模式的特征。 第五部分——英国基础教育政策决策机制对我国的启示。通过前面对英国基础教育政策制定过程和决策机制的研究,分析其利弊,反观我国教育政策决策的现状,找出差距和不足,提出政策建议。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the study on educational policy has become one of the focuses in the educational research academe. Comparative research is an important part of the study on educational policy. Although it’s important, there’s lacking of deeper analysis, especially the deeper analysis about the educational policy-making process, instead of the single description of one educational policy in the area of educational policy research in China. This paper takes the Grant-maintained School Policy (GMS Policy) in the UK from 1980’s as the research object, analyzes the background and the process of the policy-making, summarizes the character of the educational policy-making in the UK, and provides some suggestions to the educational policy maker in China. The paper is divided into five parts:The first part is the introduction, in which the according of choosing this topic is discussed, following the research methods of the paper.The second part is the analysis of the background of the GMS Policy. At the beginning of the 1980’s, the economic reform in the UK directed by the Comparative Party, the ideology and the culture opinion of the New Right made great affect to the appearance of the GMS Policy.The third part analyzes the develop journey of the GMS Policy and the process of making it from two axis: the vertical one is the develop journey of the policy, the horizontal one is the process of the policy-making, the content of the policy and the implementation of it in every scale.The forth part summarizes the educational policy-making model of the UK. Through the analysis of the case of GMS Policy, the conclusion is that the general educational policy-making model is the group model, for in the UK, the educational policy are often the result of the fight and compromise of different interest groups. But in the case of the GMS Policy, there’s some characters of aristocracy model, for in this case, the New Right Comparative controled the process of the policy-making.The last part is about the inspiration and the suggestions. Because of the difference of t he political environments between the UK and China, the model of educational policy-making couldn’t be copied from the UK to China. But the principles of the educational policy-making mechanism in the UK can be made good use of, and on the basis of which, some suggestion for the educational policy-maker are provided.

  • 【分类号】G639.561
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】558

