

【作者】 祁海芹

【导师】 冯大鸣;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 自20世纪80年代中期我国兴起现代社区教育以来,我国社区教育的理论工作者和实践工作者从不同角度和不同的侧重点,探讨了社区教育的运行体系,并取得了巨大的成绩。进入“十五”期间,社区教育研究的重点在如何创建学习型社区,对教育和学习都提出了更高的要求。本文试图从研究社区教育现状出发,以社区教育运行体系的研究为焦点,为改进和发展我国的社区教育提出一些建议性的意见。 本文首先回顾了我国社区教育的发展历程,分析了国内外的相关文献资料。在回顾与资料分析的基础之上紧接着分析了我国社区教育所处的时代背景,我国社区教育的运行发展是在我国社会转型、知识转型和全球后工业与后现代思潮的大背景下的。通过这些分析发现我国社区教育运行面临一系列的挑战:教育化社会到学习化社会的飞跃对社区教育提出新的挑战;社区的可持续发展对社区教育提出新的要求,分别表现在社区的管理、经济、文化、服务和人员素质等方面;学校教育功能进一步完善对社区教育提出新的要求;教育技术手段和传播媒介的革命对社区教育的影响和要求。 经过对相关文献资料的分析和实地考察,发现社区教育的运行发展在应对这一系列的挑战的时候存在这样一些问题:(1)实践方面,运行的投入环节、过程环节以及产出环节存在的问题;(2)理论方面,理论的前瞻性、指导性不强,研究队伍不合理,研究力量偏弱。 在分析社区教育运行发展的时代背景、面临的挑战、存在的问题的基础上,本论文最后一部分提出了社区教育运行发展的新体系,主要包括:(1)未来社区教育战略目标;(2)未来社区教育体制;(3)未来社区教育的管理体制;(4)未来社区教育的内容;(5)未来社区教育的手段与技术;(6)社区教育评估。

【Abstract】 Our theorists and practitioners of Community Education(CE) have probed into the running system of CE and made great progress in different aspects since modern CE has sprung up in the middle of 1980s. During "the tenth five-year plan", the emphasis of research is on how to create study community and demands much more at education and study. This paper will research the current situation of CE and focus on the running system of CE, then give some suggestion so that it can improve our CE.At first, the paper reviews the history of our CE and analyzes relevant documents and materials at home and abroad. Then it analyzes the times background of our CE on the base of reviews and materials. The running and development of our CE are based on the society conversion, the knowledge conversion, post-industry and post-modernism around the world. Through these analyses, we find that the running of our CE is facing a series of challenges: a challenge to change from educational society to study society, a challenge to management, economy, culture, service and quality of people because of sustainable development, the school’s better educational function, the revolution of educational technology methods and the media demanding new CE.Through the analyses of relevant materials and inspecting on the spot, we find that there are the following problems at dealing with these challenges:(1) at the practice aspect, the problem of putting into operation, the process and the output.(2) at the theory aspect, no powerful guide, unreasonable research members and weaker research.On the base of the analyses of the times background, the facing challenges and the existing problems, the paper finally puts forward the new system of the CE, mainly including:(1) the strategic goal of CE in future(2) the future educational system(3) the management of future CE(4) the content of future CE(5) the method and technology of future CE(6) the assessment of CE.

  • 【分类号】G77
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】1116

