

【作者】 聂荣鑫

【导师】 江玲;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 受二十世纪初科学理性思维的影响,当前学校管理理论、实践和研究都是以“经典”科学的思维方式进行的。但是,由于学校管理过程中复杂因素的影响,往往使学校管理者感到无能为力,出现所谓的“管理无能”现象。复杂科学是研究复杂性和复杂系统的一门交叉科学。本文试图通过复杂科学所提出的一些原理,研究学校管理,使学校管理者在管理过程中充分考虑到各种复杂性因素的影响,从而在管理过程中充分利用各种复杂性因素的影响,提高学校管理效率。运用复杂科学对学校管理进行研究,将会促使学校管理理论、学校管理实践和学校管理研究等各个方面发生根本性转变。 当前学校管理理论的建构主要以“经典”科学的观点研究学校管理,把学校管理看成是一个封闭的系统,利用传统线性、因果思维方式,尽量排除学校管理中的偶然因素,进行简化,从而构建学校管理理论。现代学校管理理论具有科学方法论、结构功能主义、可预测性和普适性等特点。在复杂科学视野下,能够更加深刻地理解学校管理理论的基本特征:承认学校管理实践的不可预测性;凸显学校管理理论的情景性;追求研究视角的多样性。学校管理理论最终必然走向丰富的学校管理实践,走向多维度的综合。 从复杂科学的视角来看学校管理实践,将会对学校管理实践具有重要的启示,具体表现为:(1)学校管理系统本身具有自组织和他组织的特性,因而在组织学校管理系统时,应建立自组织和他组织相结合的学校管理系统,为学校管理成为自组织系统创造有利条件;(2)由于学校管理过程中复杂因素的影响,要求学校管理者形成复杂性的思维模式,运用复杂的、非线性的思维方式来研究和处理管理者所面临的问题;(3)为了有效处理学校管理过程中的复杂性,需要重新设计权力组织形式,学校管理者和被管理者具有主体间性的特点,决定了学校管理者要善于授权,采用民主管理形式;(4)学校管理中的复杂性,为学校管理提供了更大的创新性空间,学校管理者要善于利用学校管理中的影子系统扩大学校管理的创新性空间;(5)单独采用量化评价或质性评价的方式,都不能准确客观地反映学校管理成员的业绩,而采用质与量相结合的评价方式才能够更加准确地评价学校管理成员。 当前学校管理研究采用的主要范式是简单范式,它具有普遍性、还原性和分离性的特点。这种范式采用简化、线性的思维方式进行研究,因而隔离了理论和实践之间的关系。采用复杂范式研究学校管理,将能揭示出学校管理的复杂性本质,更好地反映学校管理实践,使管理理论和实践有机地结合,但二者各有优缺点,从而形成二者相争的局面。走向对话,通过对话使二者相互理解,加强融合,将是解决二者之争的一条整合途径。 解决复杂性,是人类对未来美好前景的设想,但也是人类可望而不可及的梦想,因而是一种必要的乌托邦。

【Abstract】 Due to the impact of scientific and rational thinking at the beginning of the twentieth century, current theory, practice and research on school management are carried through the thinking way of Classical Science. However, the managers often feel helpless because of the impact of complex factors in course of school management, which causes so-called "management inefficiency". Complexity Science is an intersectional science that researches into complexity and complex system. This paper attempts to research into school management by some principles put forward by Complexity Science, and take complex factors into account in school management, so that the managers can make good use of the impact of complex factors to improve the efficiency of school management. Researching into school management by Complexity Science will arise the fundamental transition in all aspects of the theory, practice and research of school management.Current theory of school management is constructed on the perspective of Classical Science, which considers school management as a closed system, utilizes the mode of traditional linear and cause-and-effect thinking, and reduces or gets rid of accidental factors. The modern theory of school management has characteristics of scientific methodology, structural-functionalism, predictability, universality, etc. In the field of vision on Complexity Science, the basic characteristics of school management theory can be understood more profoundly, which includes admitting the practical unpredictability of school management, showing the theoretical scene-trait of school management, and pursuing the variety of research angle. The theory of school management will necessarily move towards richening practice of school management and multidimensional synthesis.There are many important inspirations drawn to school management practices from the viewpoint of Complexity Science. First of all, the system of school management is of self-organizing and organized characteristics. Therefore, we should set up school management system combining the self-organizing and the organized when organizing the system of school management, which will create favorable conditions for becomingself-organizing system. Secondly, due to the influence of complex factors in school management, school managers should come into being the mode of complex thinking, and research into and deal with the problems managers are facing with complex and non-linear thinking way. Thirdly, in order to deal with the complexity in school management efficiently, the organizational form of power should be redesigned. School managers should be good at empowering and adopting the approach of democratic management because school managers and the managed members have characteristic of inter-subjectivity. Fourthly, more innovating space is provided for school management by the complexity of school management. Then, school managers must be good at utilizing shadow system to widen innovating space in school management. Finally, combining theory and method, quality evaluation and quantity evaluation will appraise school manager more exactly, because adopting quantity evaluation or quality evaluation respectively can’t reflect the achievement of school members exactly and objectively.Simple paradigm is a primary research paradigm in current school management, which is characterized by university, reduction and separation. Reducible and linear thinking ways are introduced to researching into the paradigm, so that theory and practice are isolated. If school management is researched by complex paradigm, the complex essence of school management will be announced, and the practice of school management will be reflected better, and management theory and practice will be combined organically. These two paradigms have advantages and disadvantages, so both are in competition. The dialogue way would be an integration approach to solve the problem, because these two paradigms can understand mutually and gain fusion by dialogue.Solving complexity is not only an imaginat

  • 【分类号】G471
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】671

