

【作者】 詹水芳

【导师】 汤建中;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 产业集群是激烈的全球产业竞争的产物,又是国家和地区回应全球化挑战的必由之路。作为一种新型的产业发展模式,产业集群最初就是从制造业中产生的。为此,要深入探讨产业集群,就必须首先对制造业产业集群进行研究。作为制造业集聚载体的开发区和产业基地的建设大大促进了产业集群的形成,成为培育重大制造业集群的主要空间。为此,本文选取开发区的空间集聚模式与由开发区演化而来的世界级产业基地为研究对象,这也是当今学术界探讨的热点。本文只是在理论和实践的探讨中,提出意在抛砖引玉的一孔之见。 全文共分五章,现将各章主要内容归纳如下: 绪论部分阐述了研究“上海开发区空间集聚模式与世界产业基地建设”这一命题的现实意义和理论意义,并介绍了论文的研究思路和方法。 第二章以开发区发展的动力机制为契入点,从动态的层面深入探讨了开发区空间集聚模式发育的阶段性和规律性,为下文的展开作了铺垫。 从论文的第三部分开始,着重论述由开发区大型化引发的问题研究。其中,对于开发区大型化与世界工厂关系所展开的讨论单独辟为一章。在该章中,论文从世界级产业基地和世界工厂的内涵入手,阐述了世界工厂变迁的历史,由此引发了“现阶段,中国是否成为世界工厂”的讨论。作者以大量详实的资料,充分论证了中国已经成为世界工厂,并形成了长江三角洲、珠江三角洲、环渤海湾三大世界级制造区域这一无庸置疑的事实。故而,论文接着以长江三角洲为研究对象,从大型化趋势和国际市场份额两个层面分析了长三角世界级产业基地建设的现状,并对上海五大产业基地作了重点分析。 论文的第四章探讨了开发区大型化诱发的深层次的理论思考:即关于规模和效益的关系问题、土地供应和土地储备问题以及开发区与都市区关系的探讨。 效益与规模的差异在于,规模并非越大越好,但效益则是越高越好。由于不同的开发区在功能、区位依托的区域发展水平等各个方面均存在较大的差异,因此不存在统一的最佳规模的标准;同样,科学技术的迅猛发展不断地提高着单位资源的利用效益,存在着所谓“只有更好,没有最好”的效应,因此也不存在效益的最佳标准。论文根据上海市级以上开发区绩效的实证研究结果,结合开发区的发展阶段、开发模式和依托城市等因素,大胆设定了一个大致的开发区规模标准,但有待进一步验证。同时,立足于开发区的基本作用,作者设定了一个判别开发区效益的相对指标。 基于我国土地资源的紧缺性和开发区利用土地的无序性和大型化这一现实,论文接着展开了关于土地供应与土地储备关系的讨论,指出要抑制当前大规模的圈地狂潮,只能靠市场化的方法,即建立合理的土地储备制度,全面推行经营性用地招标拍卖制度,并提出开发区土地利用管理的对策以示参考。 随着开发区结构与功能的不断完善化,开发区由原来单纯的工业区逐步进化成为初具规模的新城区,由此引发了对于开发区与都市区关系的探讨。开发区从工业园到新城区的“城市化”转型,是开发区发展进程的必然,是开发区自身的进化,也是开发区实现多种形式的发展和增长方式的转变、实现持续发展的战略选择。 结合开发区的发展趋势,即规模的大型化、功能的综合化和产业的集群化,论文的最后选择了上海国际汽车城作为研究案例。

【Abstract】 Industrial cluster is not only the result of intense competition between world industries, but also the only way of countries respond to the challenge of globalization. As a new pattern of industry development model, industrial cluster emerges from manufacturing industry initially. So,in order to explore industrial cluster, we must study manufacturing industrial cluster at first. As the carrier of manufacturing industrial cluster, the development zone and the world level industrial base accelerate the formation of industrial cluster, and they become the main space to cultivate the manufacturing industrial cluster. So, the paper selects the spatial cluster model of development zone and the construction of the world level industrial base as study cases.This paper has 5 parts as follows:In chapter 1, the theoretical and practical significance are discussed on the topic of the spatial cluster model of development zone and the construction of the world level industrial base, study thinking and method are described by the paper.In chapter 2, the development impetus mechanism of development zone is discussed at first, then the developmental stages and regularities of the development zone spatial cluster model are analyzed. All these will help to extend the following chapters.From chapter 3, the paper sets forth theoretical problems result from the large-sized development zone. The elaboration on large-sized development zone and world plant becomes a chapter singly. The paper analyzes the connotation and changes of world plant at first, then the author demonstrate that china has became world plant by full and accurate materials, and there are three manufacturing industrial cluster distracts in china: Yantze deltas, Zhujiang deltas and areas around Bohai gulf. So, the paper selects Yantze deltas as study case. On the light of the large-sized tendency and high market portion, this paper describes the present conditions of industrial base world-level in Yantze deltas, and five industrial bases world-level in shanghai is analyzed on emphasis.In chapter 4, the paper discusses the deep-seated theory thought arose by the large-sized development zone , which is the relation between scale and benefit, land accommodate and repertory , development zone and urban zone.The difference between benefit and scale is that: scale isn’t more bigger, more better, while benefit is more higher, more better. Because there is difference between distinct development zone in function, region development level, so the best scale’s standard is inexistent; and in addition, fast development of technology raises constantly using benefit of unit resource, the furthest criterion of benefit is inexistent. According as the demonstration on outcome of development zone performance of mayoral rank and above, associated with the development phases of development zone, exploitation pattern, relying on city and other factors, the author enacts boldly a rough scale criterion of development zone, but this will be more validated. At the same time, being established in the essential function of development zone, the author designs a relative guideline for distinguishing development zone’s benefit.Based on the actuality of lack of land resources and out-of-order and large-sized in exploiting development zone’s land, the author probes into the relation between land accommodation and repertory in succession and points out marketable means is the last method for restraining the current swelling tide of occupying land, namely, setting up reasonable land repertory system, pushing roundly public bidding and auction system for use of land in a commercial way, and brings forward the countermeasures of land usage and management in development zone.Along with continuous improvement of development zone’s structure and function, the development zone has evolved into a new city zone possessing its scale for the first time from originally simplex industry zone, which arose a discussion about the relation between development zone and urban zone. The transformation of

  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】687

