

【作者】 刘扬

【导师】 马和民;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 当代大学生群体中普遍弥漫着一种对大学生活的“怀旧情绪”,尤其是即将毕业的大四学生,和工作不久的往届大学毕业生。与前几代青年不同的是,当代大学生借助网络技术,不仅表达了“留恋”的情感状态,而且将之在网络上传播、与同龄人共享。毕业前后的大学生处于从大学校园到真实的社会这一短暂且重要的人生过渡期,他们为什么会在这一过渡阶段怀有能够引起群体共鸣与认同的“留恋”、“怀旧”情绪?他们在回忆些什么,怀念些什么?他们在经历着什么,又遇到了怎样的问题?他们如何顺利地渡过这段人生转变? 面对上述具体现象与问题,早期的经典社会化理论、生命历程理论、青年过渡理论以及其它相关应用研究构成了本研究的先见。在此基础上,本文选择笔者大学时所在的班级在毕业前后建立的网络讨论版作为个案进行研究,对网络文本进行内容分析,力图对这一过渡阶段中,大学生个体在过渡阶段所面临的具体问题、他们复杂的内心活动,包括对过渡的体认、群体的反应,以及个体在哪些方面寻求“过渡支持”和解决问题的策略、如何顺利度过人生的重要过渡期做一番具体透视。 在本研究所呈现的个案中,建立并参与网络讨论版这一行为在毕业之后的近三年时间里,由起初的个体性行为衍发为一种集体性行为,并得到延续与维持。个体在讨论版里流露真实的情感与思想,包括他们对大学生活的怀念与留恋、对当下工作与生活的感悟和体会。通过自发地文字书写与群体氛围的激发塑造,个体按照一定的内在逻辑,构建一组共同的“青春回忆”,并且“青春回忆”在群体中被不断唤起和加强,形成以此为内核的群体亚文化。个体在群体的亚文化中获得群体认同与自我认同,并从中寻求过渡过程中的情感支持。 综合基于个案的意义阐释,当代大学生从校园走向社会这一过程具有两个特点。一是自我意识与自我价值的突显,决定其过渡时的情绪状态和表达方式,他们对过渡问题的体认与策略选择。二是以自我价值为内核,形成了同辈群体对过渡的支持力量。

【Abstract】 This paper is concerned with the questions of the school-to-work transition as these are experienced by the contemporary college students.There is a kind of mood that is nostalgia for the past lives in campus pervading among the contemporary college students, especially the senior college students and the undergraduates who attend work for short time. They are different from the former youth generations. The difference between generations exhibits that the contemporary college students not only express their feelings and perception spontaneously by the Internet technology, but also spread and share them among the same generation who possess the same experience and will produce resonance.Based on theories on socialization, life-course and youth transition, this paper presents a case study of a class BBS, which encompasses a range of complex transitional themes and characterizes with distinct ways to go through the transitional phase of life. Case study enables us to know and understand the process and nature of the youth transition more directly, clearly and deeply.This paper concludes by reflecting on the case that this youth transition is marked with two features. The first is the purchase of stable identity and self-value determines young people’s mood state and strategies. The second is the subculture of peer is formed around the self-value. The subculture provides emotional backup force for young people who have encountered transitional problems.

  • 【分类号】G40
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】321

