

【作者】 李燕燕

【导师】 桑标;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 心理理论和亲子互动都是当前发展心理学中最热门、最活跃的两个研究领域。本研究试图通过观察亲子游戏来探讨亲子互动与儿童心理理论发展的关系,在理论上探究儿童的心理理论发展差异产生的社会根源,在实践中为父母在家庭中如何有效地促进儿童心理理论发展提供科学依据。 共有53名3-5岁儿童和他们的母亲完成了所有的实验。研究的程序包括亲子游戏拍摄、儿童心理理论任务和母亲教养方式问卷调查。对亲子游戏的参与方式、情感交流、心理状态术语使用、非心理状态术语使用和母亲教养方式进行编码。研究结果如下: (1)控制了年龄因素后,儿童的亲子游戏参与方式中的主动参与和建议游戏两种方式与儿童心理理论发展之间存在显著的相关;而对于母亲来说,指导游戏的参与方式和儿童心理理论发展存在显著相关。 (2)控制了年龄因素之后,儿童情感交流方面的分享积极情感和心理理论发展之间存在显著相关。而母亲这方面的指标和儿童心理理论发展没有显著相关。 (3)控制了年龄因素后,儿童心理理论发展和儿童心理状态术语使用存在显著相关;同样地,儿童心理理论发展和母亲心理状态术语使用也存在显著相关。 (4)控制了年龄因素后,儿童心理理论发展和母亲及儿童非心理状态术语的使用都存在显著相关。但是当控制了母亲和儿童的心理状态术语使用总数后,显著相关不存在,这或许表明:非心理状态术语的使用是以心理状态术语的使用为中介而对儿童心理理论发展产生影响。 (5)母亲教养方式问卷的结果表明,控制了年龄因素后,母亲的严厉惩罚和儿童心理理论发展之间存在显著相关;而通过亲子互动观察得到的结果表明,控制了年龄因素后,母亲的情感温暖理解和儿童心理理论发展之间存在显著相关。两个结果不一致,可能是因为亲子游戏具有特殊性和情境性,所以结果和通过问卷得来的一般情况有差异。 总之,通过观察亲子游戏,我们发现亲子互动的许多方面和儿童心理理论发展都有密切的关系。这给我们启示:亲子互动差异是儿童心理理论发展差异产生的社会根源之一,父母可以通过改变亲子游戏的参与方式、情感交流、心理状态术语的使用、非心理状态术语的使用和教养方式等方面来促进儿童心理理论的发展。

【Abstract】 Theory of mind (TOM) and parent-child interaction are two hot issues in the research field of development psychology. This study tries to explore the relationship between TOM and parent-child interaction through an observation of parent-child play. One aim is to explore the social origin of the difference of children’s TOM, the other is to provide some advice for parents to facilitate their children’s TOM effectively in their families.Fifty-three 3-5-year-olds children and their mothers are involved in this study. Children are asked to finish four TOM tasks and mothers fill in parenting style questionnaire separately. Children and their parents take part in the parent-child play together and their interactions are videorecorded. Parent-child play is coded for 5 aspects: participative style, emotion communication, mental state utterances, non-mental state utterances and mother’s parenting style. The results indicate that:(1) After control of age, children’s TOM is significantly related to their initiatively joining play, suggesting play of participative style and mother’s teaching play.(2) After control of age, there is a positive correlation between children’s TOM and their sharing positive affect. Yet we don’t find the same result between children’s TOM and their mothers’ sharing positive affect.(3) After control of age, children’s TOM is significantly related to the use of their mental state utterances and their mothers’.(4) After control of age, children’s TOM is significantly related to the non-mental state utterances on specific categories , such as links to the life and the sum of the non-mental state utterances. But controlling of the sum of the mental state utterances, this relation is not existed. It possible that the non-mental state utterances affect the development of children’s TOM indirectly, for example through mental state utterances.(5) The result of mothers’ parenting style questionnaire indicates that children’s TOM is significantly related to mothers’ severe punishing after control of age. The result of observation shows a positive correlation between children’s TOM and mothers’ warmth and understanding. We think that the difference is due to parent-child play is a special situation whereas questionnaire reflects the generality.In a word, we find that children’s TOM is significantly related to many aspects in parent-child interaction. Thought this study, we know parent-child interaction is one of the social origin of the difference of children’s TOM, parents can improve their children’s TOM by changing their participative style, emotion communication, mental state utterances, non-mental state utterances and mother’s parenting style.

  • 【分类号】B844.1
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】3022

