

【作者】 刘春玲

【导师】 徐玉珍; 张菁;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在全面推进素质教育的今天,教育改革取得了令人瞩目的成绩。但不可否认,教育领域仍存在许多问题,其中最重要的就是学生的主体性没有得到充分发挥、学生的合作意识很差、缺乏积极主动的探索精神。这主要是由于以知识传递为取向的学科中心教学观在我国学校教育中长期占统治地位,班级授课制几乎是学校教育的唯一组织形式。近年来,我国教育工作者立足于现代教育的高度,着眼于解决传统教学存在的弊端,对学习理论进行了积极的探索和研究,成效显著。当前课程改革倡导学习方式转变,就是要改变这种状态,提倡自主学习、合作学习、研究性学习。 但是,新课程改革实行以来,理论界关于自主学习、合作学习、研究性学习的概念及操作,众说纷纭、莫衷一是,使得处于教学实践第一线的教师不能正确认识、理解和贯彻这些理念,为课程改革的顺利实施带来一定的混乱和困难。 为此,本文简要回顾了自主学习、合作学习、研究性学习的历史发展的思想渊源,对三种学习方式的内涵、价值取向、实施模式、操作步骤、实践中的误区以及三种学习方式的联系和区别进行了分析和比较,力图从理论上和实践上说清楚自主学习、合作学习、研究性学习的联系和区别、以便中小学教师更好地理解三种学习方式。 本文从概念、价值、实施模式及实践中存在的误区等几个层面对自主学习、合作学习、研究性学习进行比较分析,力图通过对这几种学习方式的探讨,使其概念明晰化、内容清楚化、操作规范化、过程程序化,让中小学教师对这些学习方式的实质有一个全面的理解和把握,促使他们充分认识到学习方式的转变在教学实践中的重要作用并积极正确的践履它。

【Abstract】 In now days under the condition of pushing stuff education ail-roundly, education reform has obtained the excellent achievements. However, as we all known, there are a lot of problems in education fields. In what the most important is the subjection of students cannot be brought into play fully, pupils lack of the consciousness of cooperating and initiative. The main reason is that knowledge passed subject center teaching depend on our education, class school teaching nearly is scholastic only form. In recent years, teaching staff based on the modern education, with an eye to solve the abuse of tradition education, have taken the initiative exploration and research of learning theory, and they have achieved remarkable success. The curriculum reform advocate transferring of learning style, namely change the condition, advocate self-regulated learning, cooperative learning, inquiry leaning.However, since the curriculum reform, theorists have had different concepts and operating about self-regulated learning, cooperative learning, inquiry Leaning, opinions vary, no one unable to decide which is right, so that the teachers of front line cannot understand and carry through the thought rightly, which bring chaos to the implement of curriculum reform.Therefore, this article briefly reviews the history and origin of self-regulated learning, cooperative learning, inquiry learning, analyze and compare the meanings of three learning styles, value tropism, implement mode, operate process, error in practice and contact and difference of the three learning styles, try hard to explain what is self-regulated learning, cooperative learning, inquiry learning in theory and practice, so that the teachers of high school and elementary school can understand the three learning styles very well.This article compare and analyze self-regulated learning, cooperative learning, inquiry learning from concept, value tropism, implement mode and error in practice through several aspects, make the concept perspicuity, content clarity, procedure process through the discuss of the learning styles , make the teachers understand the essential of the learning styles comprehensively, which urge them to know the importance of transferring of learning styles in teaching practice very well and carry out it initiatively.

  • 【分类号】G424.4
  • 【被引频次】24
  • 【下载频次】3336

