

【作者】 石红英

【导师】 李恩慈;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 陪审制度是人类社会为追求司法民主化而创造的一种制度文明,堪称人类文明进程中历史最为悠久、生命力最为顽强的一种司法制度。纵观世界范围的陪审制度,其主要形式有英美法系国家的陪审团制和大陆法系国家的参审制。我国根据国情和实际,创造了具有中国特色的人民陪审员制度。人民陪审员制度,是我国司法制度的一个重要组成部分,在司法民主领域中发挥着重要作用。 我国的人民陪审员制度,没有区分事实审和法律审,而是由人民陪审员与职业法官共同组成合议庭审判案件。这就要求人民陪审员要具备一定的法律素质,人民陪审员的法律素质是陪审员胜任陪审工作的前提和基础,人民陪审员的法律素质关涉陪审制度的价值和功能的发挥。 法律教育本身是适用于多个领域,但对于人民陪审员这个特殊群体,法律教育有其必要性和特殊性。必要性在于要通过对人民陪审员进行法律教育来提高人民陪审员的法律素质。特殊性在于,由于受教育对象的特殊,从而使得法律教育的目标模式、法律教育的内容和方法都有其特殊性。 本文结合法律教育理论与陪审工作实践,从提高人民陪审员法律素质着眼,探究提高人民陪审员法律素质的特定法律教育之路。文章指出这种特定法律教育的目标是把人民陪审员培养成为特定实务法律人;这种特定法律教育包括有关陪审制度的教育、有关审判理念的教育、有关审判知识和办案能力的教育三方面的内容;文章还根据人民陪审员自身的特点,提出了多种对人民陪审员进行特定法律教育可采取的行之有效、事半功倍的教育方法、手段和形式。 提高人民陪审员法律素质的法律教育研究是法律教育学科领域的一个新的课题、新的探索。对该问题的研究和探索,一方面可以丰富法律教育的研究内容,打开法律教育研究者的思路;另一方面也可以为司法理论界和实务界研究陪审制度的完善展示一个新的视角,充实其对陪审制度的研究,开阔陪审制度研究者的视野。同时,探索出一条以提高人民陪审员法律素质的法律教育之路,无疑对当前及今后的人民陪审员管理工作具有一定的现实意义。

【Abstract】 The jury system is a kind of civilized system that people created in pursuit of judicial democratization. It has a long history in the course human civilization and it has great vitality. The jury system contains two main forms in the world. They are system of common law and system of civil law. According to our situation, the people’s jury system with our special characteristics is created in China. The system is the great part of China judiciary system, which plays importance role in the judicial democracy realm.The people’s jury system does not distinguish the fact justice from law justice. But the full court, constituted by people’s jurors and judges, judge the case. This system requests the people’s jurors to have certain legal knowledge. It is the work’s premise and foundation that the people’s jurors will be competent for the work. It affects the value and function of the jury system.Legal education itself is applicable to many realms. But to this special community, legal education is necessary and special for the people’s jurors. The purpose is to enrich the legal knowledge of the people’s jurors by the education. It is special, because of the special object who receive the education, the special legal education’s target and mode, the special legal education’s contents, the special legal education’s methods and forms.This paper is based on the theories of legal education and the juror’s work, and tries to investigate the approach of the particular legal education for exaltation the people juror’s legal knowledge. The article points out that the target and mode of the particular legal education is to educate the people’s jurors to become a kind of the particular practicinglawyers; that the contents of the particular legal education includes some system knowledge, some trial logos knowledge, some trial knowledge and certain ability of handling a case, etc. The article brings forward many effective methods and means, according to the characteristics of the people’s jurors.The research, on the special legal education to enrich the people juror’s legal knowledge, is a new question for discussion in the legal education research area. On the one hand, it can enrich the research contents on legal education, and different ways of thinking for researchers on legal education, on the other hand, it can also set out a new angle of view for academic lawyers and practicing lawyers studying the jury system, widen the visual field of the jury system researchers. At the same time, we can try to find a way for legal education to make the people’s jurors better qualified. Therefore, it can help the management of people’s jurors in future.

  • 【分类号】D926
  • 【下载频次】242

