

【作者】 纪湘懿

【导师】 王建平;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪90年代以来,随着世界卫生组织在全球范围内积极倡导的“健康促进运动”的推动下,世界各国的“健康促进学校”工作得到有效地开展。和传统单一模式的学校健康教育相比,“健康促进学校”是把有利于发展和促进学生健康的诸多部门联合起来,充分利用学校、社会和家庭等各种有利因素作为促进学生健康的资源,改造或消除不利于健康的各种因素,从而形成一个有利于学生知晓健康知识、树立正确的健康信念、养成有益于健康的行为习惯和生活方式的学校环境。可以说,“健康促进学校”工作的广泛开展是对传统学校健康教育模式的一次意义深远的改革。目前,提倡健康教育、创建“健康促进学校”已成为世界各国基础教育改革的重要内容之一。 在世界卫生组织西太平洋地区,澳大利亚的昆士兰州在推进和发展“健康促进学校”方面作了大量的工作,积累了丰富的经验并取得了骄人的成绩。“健康促进学校”工作已经不仅仅是其学校健康教育的方法和手段,而是成为一种理论体系和工作模式。本文选取澳大利亚昆士兰州的“健康促进学校”工作模式进行整体意义上的研究,主要以澳大利亚健康促进学校的发展历史为线索,就澳大利亚昆士兰州“健康促进学校”的概念、宗旨和文本、实施过程、效果及评价等方面的内容进行分析研究,在此基础上对其工作模式的成因和特点进行深入分析和评价,以期为我国健康促进学校工作模式的改革提供一种新的范式。 前言和第一部分是全文的理论基础,阐述相关基本概念、研究的目的和意义、前期研究,并提出预期的研究成果。 第二部分对澳大利亚昆士兰州“健康促进学校”工作模式的宗旨与文本的构成进行述评,详细介绍其历史沿革、工作宗旨和指导原则、内容框架和工作方法、实施过程和效果、评价机制的确立。 第三部分深入分析和评价了澳大利亚昆士兰州“健康促进学校”工作模式的成因和特点,以及存在的问题。 后记部分在论述和分析我国“健康促进学校”现状和存在问题的基础上,根据澳大利亚昆士兰州“健康促进学校”工作模式的经验启示,尝试提出我国发展“健康促进学校”的几个基本设想和改革建议。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of "the Health Promoting Movement" throughout the world, which actively pushed by WHO, "the Health Promoting School" works effectively since 1990. Compared with the traditional school health education, "the Health Promoting School" units the connected associations which are beneficial for promoting the students’ health. It takes great advantages of school, society, family and makes them as the useful health resources. By reforming and removing the bad factors for health, its purpose is to form a health school environment where students can study health knowledge, establish correct health idea and raise good health habit. As an important part of elementary education reform in many countries, the development of "the Health Promoting School" is profound.In the west Pacific area of WHO, the Queensland state of Australia has done a great deal of successful work in developing "the Health Promoting School". In Queensland, "the Health Promoting School" has not only been a method of school health education,but also become a theory system and a working model. This thesis chooses "the Health Promoting School" working model of Queensland as a typical case, tries to describe and analyze the content and features of the model. The purpose of this research is to provide reference and a ne’w model for the reform of "the Health Promoting School" in our country.Forword and part one are the theoretic foundation of the whole thesis. These two parts introduce the basic concept, aim and significance of the research, the state of prophase research, and put forward the expected achievement.Part two detailedly describes "the Health Promoting School" working model of Queensland, which includes its history background, guidance and text, content, implementation, effect and assessment.Part three analyzes and appraises the cause of formation and the features of "the Health Promoting School" working model of Queensland, and points out its problem.Postscript describes the realities and problems of "the Health Promoting School" of our country, and tries to put forward several advices based on the experience of "the Health Promoting School" working model of Queensland.

  • 【分类号】G561.1
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】417

