

【作者】 王书明

【导师】 田国秀;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文研究的核心是“初中思想政治课堂内活动教学模式的分类设计”。提出初中思想政治课堂内活动教学是思想政治活动教学的主要形式,打破了政治课活动教学以课外为主的模式,并把对初中思想政治课堂内活动教学研究落脚点定位在教学模式这一最富活力的教学环节。文章以本人在《思想政治课教学》杂志2003年7、8期合刊上发表的“初中思想政治课堂内活动教学模式初探”一文为基础,结合初中学生的心理特点和思想政治课各部分教学内容和教学任务的不同,依据课堂内学生活动方式的不同特点,将初中思想政治课堂内活动教学模式分为解决实际问题的活动教学模式、搜集分析信息类的活动课教学模式、模拟或表演类活动课教学模式、发展情感类活动课教学模式和成果展示类活动课教学模式五种,并阐述了每种模式的设计思路和操作程序及案例分析。论述了思想政治课堂内活动教学模式的主要理论支撑建构主义的学习理论与教学理论以及课堂内活动教学模式确定的目标和原则。 在研究方法上,以五种课堂内活动课教学模式为基础在实验校教师的配合下开展实验研究。实验教师可根据实际情况调整各种模式的设计。几种类型的活动教学模式,可结合教学内容穿插进行,也可以一节课为单位设计专题活动课。几种教学模式即可单独运用也可综合运用,这就使这项研究成为一种开放性、操作性、发展性很强的实验研究。 通过实验,从实验校师生反馈的信息看,课堂内活动教学模式对提高政治课教学质量起到了一定的作用。实验教师认为这一模式可操作性强、灵活性强,适应政治课新课程改革的要求。学生更加喜爱上政治课了,学习成绩也提高了。在今后的教学实践中,要在这一模式分类的细化、创新、灵活、可操作性上下功夫,使这一理论和实践有所发展。

【Abstract】 This article focuses on "the classified models for in-class activity teaching of ideology and politics in the junior middle school", putting it forward as the main form for activity teaching of ideology and politics instead of out-of-class activity teaching as the model and setting the teaching research for it on the teaching models as the most vigorous teaching links. Based on my article "The primary_inquiry into the models for in-class activity teaching of ideology and politics in the junior middle school", published in the journal Teaching of ideology and politics"(the combined issue7&8,2003) and considering the psychological nature of junior middle school students, the variety of the teaching contents and tasks of ideology and politics and the variety of the students activities in class, this article classifies the models for in-class activity teaching of ideology and politics in the junior middle school into the one for the solution of real problems, the one for the collection and analysis of information, the one for simulation or performance, the one for emotional development and the one for the display of achievements, expounds the train of thought for the design of each model the operating procedure for each one and analysis of some cases and also discusses its main supporting theory-structuralism study and teaching and its set goals and principles.The research on the basis of such five models can be made in cooperation with the teachers of experimental schools. Teachers may adjust the different models according to practical circumstances. Such models can be applied alternately to different teaching contents and special one can be exercised in a period .They can be applied separately or comprehensively to make the research an open workable and developmental one.It can be seen that the models for in-class activity teaching have played a certain role in the improvement of teaching quality of politics after a semester’s experiment and through the feedback from the teachers of experimental school . The teachers think that such models are workable, flexible and adaptable to the requirement of the reform of the new political course. The students have been more interested in politics and their grades have been improved as well. In future teaching practice, we should work hard at the subdivision, creation, flexibility and operation of the classified models to get such theory and practice further developed.

  • 【分类号】G633.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】495

