

【作者】 姚志红

【导师】 冯蒸;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 徐铉给《说文解字》所注的音,即大徐反切,是研究五代宋初读书音的重要资料。本文在前人研究的基础上,运用反切比较法,并辅以反切系联法、统计法,通过对大徐反切与《广韵》反切、徐铉诗韵的比较,结合对新附字、又音反切的研究,以及对徐铉生活时代背景的考察,对大徐反切进行了较为系统的整理研究。 本文经过分析、比较,认为大徐反切音系共有声母36个,韵部173个,声调四个。 声母特点是:轻唇音尚未从重唇音中分化出来;舌音知端两组偶有类隔,但已经分化;齿音精庄章三组己形成三足鼎立的局面;泥娘二母不混;船禅不分;余云不混;个别全浊音声母有与清音混切的例子,比例很小,但从中可以看出浊音清化的萌芽;除齿音庄组、章组外,尚有送气音与不送气音混切例。 韵部特点是:支脂之、佳皆夬、真韵三等字与欣、山删、真韵上声合口与吻、魂谆来母字、先与仙重纽四类字、咸衔、庚韵二等与耕、清青诸韵部有不同程度的合流。我们用反切系联法和类相关法考察了重纽八韵系,发现大徐音还保留着重纽三四等的对立,但部分重纽四等字已经与纯四等韵合流,如仙先、宵萧、盐添等。重纽四等字明显少于重纽三等字。 声调特点是:平上去入四个声调,部分全浊上声变成了去声。 基于上述研究,本文认为大徐反切音系是在借鉴前人韵书反切的基础上,补充了时音的反切注音,它主要反映了五代宋初读书音的语音面貌,部分反映了方言语音的特点。

【Abstract】 Phonetic to Shuowen Jiezi (《说文解字》) notated hy Xuxuan(徐铉), which also called Daxu fanqie (大徐反切), plays an important role in researching the written literature language of Five Dynasties and Early Song. Based on former research, this dissertation is dedicated to making the research to Daxu fanqie more clear and sound. By way of Comparative Method, Fanqie xilian Method (反切系联法 ) and Statistical method ,contrastive analysis is performed on DaXu fanqie with Guangyun fanqie ( 《广韵》反切) and rhyme of Xuxuan’ s poems in this article. In addition, the new add-word(新附字) and Youyin fanqie(又音反切) are carefully investigated, and the background of Xuxuan’ s life era is reviewed as well.Findings show that the system of Daxu fanqie consists of 36 initials, 173 categories and 4 tones.Characteristics of initials : light labial has not divided from heavy labial ; sometimes lingual Duan(端) and Zhi(知) have divided; Jing (精) Zhuang(庄) Zhang (章) are of same important like the three legs of a tripod; Ni(’J)b) and Niang(#l) are not mixed; Chuan(船)and Chan(禅) are mixed ; Yu(余)and Yun(云) are not divided; Very few of quanzhuo initials(全浊声母) and voiceless initial mixed, which indicates the germination of zhuoyinqinghua(浊音清化) ; some aspirata and busongqi sound(不送气 音) mixed, besides dental sound group Zhuang (庄)and Zhang (章)Characteristics of catalogues: rimeZhi(支) Zhi (脂) and Zhi(之), rime Jia(佳), Jie(皆) and Guai(央), the third division of Zhen (真韵三等) and rime Xin(欣), rime Shan(山) and Shan (删), the closed-ora of rime Zhen(轸) and Wen(吻), the initial of lai(来) of Hun(魂) and Zhun(谆), rime Xian (先) and the fourth division of rime Xian (仙), rime Xian (咸) and Xian(衔), the second division of Geng (庚)and Geng(耕), rime Qing(清) and Qing(青) and so on, these categories have interflowed. By way of Fanqie xilian Method and Leixiangguan Method(类相关法), the investigation on the eight rimes of Fanqie doublets (重纽八韵系) indicates that the third and fourth division of Fanqie doublets (重纽三四等) are still opposite in Daxu phonetic notations, part of the fourth division of Fanqie doublets(重纽四等字) have interflowed with the pure fourth division (纯四等韵), such as : rime Xian ( 先) and the fourth division of rime Xian(仙), rime Xiao(萧)and the fourth division of rime Xiao(宵), rime Tian(添)and the fourth division of rime Yan(盐); count of Fanqie doublets is less than that of the third division(重纽三等字) evidently.Characteristics of tones: four tones. Some of Shangsheng(上声) words with voiced instrument initials in middle Chinese have become Qusheng (去声) .Founded on above mentioned research, we come to the conclusion that phonetic system of Daxu(大徐反切音系) contains the temporal sound phonetic notation , further to Fanqie of former rhyme dictionaries, reflects the pronunciation of the written literature language of Five Dynasties and Early Song mainly, while characteristic of the dialect pronunciation is partly mirrored.

  • 【分类号】H11
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】424

