

【作者】 刘研

【导师】 魏光奇; 江湄;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 史学理论与史学史, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文首先在前言中介绍了迈涅克研究的状况,指出尽管迈涅克在史学史和思想史中都占有重要位置,但对他的研究却较为薄弱。本文对迈涅克的研究从两个方面展开:第一个方面讲在历史主义思想潮流中迈涅克所处的位置,第二个方面讲迈涅克本人所持的历史主义观念具有何种特点。 历史主义思想潮流在德意志主要通过两类彼此相关的学术活动得以体现,一类是史学编撰,以兰克教徒授众的柏林为中心,一类是关于史学方法与价值的讨论,以思想家汇集的德意志西南为重镇。迈涅克受业于普鲁士学派,远承兰克的精神与方法,被誉为历史主义史学编撰的最后一位大师;不但如此,迈涅克还在德意志西南接触关于史学方法与价值的讨论,亲身感受并力图解决所谓“历史主义的危机”,即历史主义导致相对主义和虚无主义的难题。因此,无论就史学史还是就思想史而言,探讨历史主义问题,都不能不思及迈涅克。 迈涅克所著《历史主义的兴起》,描述了经由新柏拉图主义的早期先驱,英法的启蒙运动,早期浪漫主义以及德意志思想家,历史主义观念应运而生的过程。他所描述的历史主义观念也正是他本人所持有的,其核心概念是“个性”与“个性化的发展”。本文依据《历史主义的兴起》,介绍了这两个概念的形成过程,接下来指出,迈涅克之所以持有此种历史主义观念,不但有他自己所阐明的思想史的逻辑作为原因,他所处时代的政治危机和战争阴霾也是重要的刺激因素。 最后,本文简单介绍了克罗齐和波普尔的历史主义,以资参照。

【Abstract】 Although Friedrich Meinecke is a very important man both in the history of historical writing and the intellectual history, yet the research about him is not very much enough especially in China.Through this article, we will discover that Meinecke did play a very important role in the development of Historicism, because he not only inherited the tradition of historiography since Ranke but also attended the discussion about the method and the value of history which was initiated by the thinkers in the southwest of Germany. Therefore, we can not research Historicism without making mention of Meinecke.In order to know about Meinecke’s Historicism, we must attach a great importance to his great book named Die Entstehung des Hi stori smus (Historism : The Rise of a New Historical Outlook ). Meinecke described the rise of Historism in this book and at the same time expressed his own outlook. We will introduce his outlook through these two key words called Individuality and Development. The reason why he insisted on such a kind of outlook can also be discovered so long as we take the Europe’s political situation into account.At the end of this article, we also refer to Croce and Popper in order to differentiate the difference between them and Meinecke.

【关键词】 迈涅克历史主义自然法个性发展
【Key words】 Friedrich MeineckeHistoricismNatural LawInduvidualityDevelopment
  • 【分类号】K091
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】176

